Cabamap v1.0 Released
Posted by Joey on 25 February 2004, 23:41 GMT
 Our beloved news editor, Michael Vincent, has released version 1.0 of his Cabamap application for the TI-83 Plus. You will find this program very useful if you ever need to calculate the exact value of 21024, or any other huge number. The fast routines in this program allow it to make calculations at more than twice the speed of the TI-89. Cabamap was a runner-up in TI's 2003 App Development Contest.
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Re: Cabamap v1.0 Released
Joey Gannon
(Web Page)
Michael and I actually discussed Cabamap before its initial release while we were wandering around Fry's Electronics. Though I still don't have a real use for it, it's an awesome program.
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25 February 2004, 23:42 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cabamap v1.0 Released
Blah Poop
(Web Page)
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29 February 2004, 18:12 GMT
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