TI-89 vs HP49G+
Posted by Michael on 22 January 2004, 02:46 GMT
Al Borowski has created a webpage comparing the differences between the TI-89 and the HP 49G+, two calculators in their respective company's high-end model line. This is still a work in progress, and there's also a mirror because apparently we are thought to have some sort of slashdot-like server crashing power - I'm not sure about that :)
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Re: TI-89 vs HP49G+
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22 January 2004, 02:51 GMT
Re: Re: Re: TI-89 vs HP49G+
(Web Page)
Just based on the information the site mentioned in this artcle, I've made a few conclusions:
As far as the hardware goes, the HP49G+ beats the TI-89, especially with the use of the expandable memory card. But as for the OS, software, programming, and third-party support, other than the G+ doing calculations faster than the 89, in my opinion, the TI-89 is better (but I'm biased).
At any rate, they're both very good and powerful calculators. I just think the interface of the TI-89 is better looking. :)
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22 January 2004, 03:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-89 vs HP49G+
I've used that Bible before...however I don't particularly like the KJV...I got the NIV New Testament and Psalms and Proverbs. It's been pretty useful, however some way of storing the WHOLE thing on my calc instead of just The Gospels would be helpful. With nothing else in memory, I could only fit Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, 1+2 Corinthians, Hebrews, and 1+2 Peter. Strange selections? I was in Teen Bible Quizzing.. :) This larger memory would be a great help. However I REALLY like the TICT's (I believe it is theirs, correct me if I'm wrong) Ebook Reader. It would be a shame if they didn't have something similar for HP....
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23 January 2004, 16:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-89 vs HP49G+
Yeah, I don't like KJV either, so I made a bunch of NIV notefolio's for the 83SE. So far I've got psalms, proverbs, job, john, corinthians, galatians-phillipians, thessalonians, timothy, james, 1-3 johns, and a couple more. I don't know if Notefolio is more compact than ebook, but it is definitely more compact than Nifty (though you can flip through pages with Nifty, but you have to scroll line by line with Notefolio, so long files take a really long time to get the bottom, unless you do a "find:"). I'd like to publish them, but I don't think it's legal (darn copyright laws)
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24 January 2004, 16:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-89 vs HP49G+
(Web Page)
The menu is a good idea... however, pressing [Diamond] then "E" is much faster, for me. It comes automatically when I'm typing. If you didn't know the [Diamond], "E" shortcut, it really helps. If you did, then I guess I didn't tell you anything that you didn't already know. But anyway, if you do it enough, you'll type it without thinking, just as you would with any other key combination.
BTW, I used the factorial key a LOT in algebra for permutations and all that stuff.
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24 January 2004, 02:14 GMT
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