October 1999 POTM Nominations
Posted by Andy on 2 November 1999, 05:05 GMT
It is once again time to nominate your favorite programs for the POTM award. As usual programs already having won the award are ineligible for it so don't nominate them. Next month begins our new nomination system in which featured programs will be the nominees.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: October 1999 POTM Nominations
Erich Oelschlegel
(Web Page)
Off topic, but only slightly: on what basis does XBall make the "green icon list?" It's just a copy of Diamonds by Joe Wingbermuehle, only with less graphics. I don't know, I'd have to go with Bryan on this one. It doesn't really have that "merit" to make the Featured Programs list, IMHO. I have nothing against the author of XBall, but it's not exactly new; it's been done before.
2 November 1999, 17:17 GMT

Re: Re: October 1999 POTM Nominations
" The featured programs/POTM integration was my idea. So if you hate it, blame me. But I think that it will work really really well (assuming that they are able to spot good programs without testing them). " - Kirk Meyer, in reply to a post about the Features section
This concerns me. Looking at this, it definitely implies that the programs are not tested before they are posted, which means that there is no way to tell whether a program is actually qualified for a "featured" icon. I want to ask the ticalc staff: "What are the qualifications for a featured game?" If they aren't tested by the staff, then this is disconcerting. After all (and this is from experience), how do you knwo that the program itself isn't buggy? I've downloaded programs before that have been buggy, and ticalc still posted anyway. It's very possible that a program that could easily crash the calculator could be featured.
I know not all this is likely, but I want to hear from the feature person about the exact criteria. If the programs aren't tested, something's definitely wrong.
6 November 1999, 00:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: October 1999 POTM Nominations
Bryan Rabeler
(Web Page)
Yes, you catch on fast. :) Sure, some programs are being tested, but all programs are NOT being tested. Chris, Nick, Phil, etc. can say all they want about how I don't know enough about the current staff situation to know... but I know.
Sure, this isn't a perfect system. It's very possible ticalc.org could miss a very worthy program, or feature a program that isn't worthy.
And yes, I would also like to know the "guidelines" for picking such featured programs.
6 November 1999, 02:21 GMT
Re: October 1999 POTM Nominations
(Web Page)
Guess which program will win TI82 Assembly...
2 November 1999, 19:03 GMT

Re: Re: October 1999 POTM Nominations
"Guess which program will win TI82 Assembly... "
Although sarcastic, this does bring forth an interesting point. What would happen if the one ASM program for a calculator, for example, does not deserve POTM recognition? For example, (not that I would do this, mind you) if I release a generic "Hello World" program, and no other programs are released, then I would by default receive the POTM nomination (and for those who say no one will vote for it, in the scenario I would, so the program would get 1 vote (a majority)).
Now, I'm definitely not saying this should happen for Block Dude, since it is a really good game and deserves a POTM. However, should it receive a POTM because it is a default, or should there be an option to say that nothing deserves it?
Also, out of curiosity, should releases of different shells for the same calculator be combined? (i.e. ZTetris for both 83AShell and SOS, seeing how its an identical game... it can't happen this time since voting started, but will this be corrected in the new system?)
3 November 1999, 02:56 GMT

Casio Calculators Rule!(Not really though)
(Web Page)
Heck yea, go Casio!!! Oh, wait, did I actually say that? I remember when I got my first calculator. I was at Wal-Mart looking at all of the calculators. I remembered that Casio's scientific calculators were good so I thought that the graphing ones would be too. Besides, it was the only one with all the cool colors. Of course, when I arrived at school, everyone else had a TI-86 and I was told that I had bought the wrong calculator(the teacher knew how to use a TI-82) The real downer was when I found out that I couldn't link up with my friend's calculators or the computer(without the really expensive cord) So I had to type in programs. They sucked. But then I got my 86 and the world was better. Hey if anyone wants a really cool basic game for a Casio Graphing Calculator, email me. Oh yeah, also, someone find a way to get good games on the Casio. PLEASE!!!!!!
4 November 1999, 22:40 GMT
Re: October 1999 POTM Nominations
(Web Page)
Maybe this Tezxas will win, just give it an animated screenshot...
2 November 1999, 19:29 GMT
Re: October 1999 POTM Nominations
Alfred Hoppe
Vote for Doom Collection! It's the best Doom game out there for ti-82!
3 November 1999, 18:19 GMT
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