Rusty Wagner Releases Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 2
Posted by Nick on 14 October 1999, 01:42 GMT
Due to popular demand, I've finally decided to give this a somewhat late mention. On Monday, Rusty Wagner made an update to the incredibly popular Virtual TI, adding support for the new black link cable from TI and enhancing support for the old gray link. Wondering where to download this wonderful program? You can get it here.
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Re: Rusty Wagner Releases Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 2
savage savage
I would like to say that emmulators are the best way to go if you just want to play calc games and that if you buy a calc for games, y not save a hundred bucks and get a gameboy.
Also why does every one need a graphing calc in grade 7
. i see no point even in pre calcus 2 i bearley ever need a calculator let alone a graphing calculator. And i find that the ti83+ is more that sufecient in any high school math course.
14 October 1999, 02:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Rusty Wagner Releases Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 2
Have you ever driven turbo-charged(I know you said super-charged) 2000 Bettle. I have. It was one of the funnest to drive cars I've ever driven. Even more fun than my Dad's 86 Z28 IROC-Z(with a tuned port injected 350). The pick-up on those things are great, and the handling is much better that any sports car I've driven(IROC, Z24, Conquest, Monte Carlo) I agree with the 83+ thing though. Besided I've got an 89
On a unrelated note. I've just competed software for the 89 that allows me to interface to the Pratt&Whittney network and pull info of the Remedy database(used for tracking trouble tickets, I work in computer repair). Now I have a portable computer that I can use to search my que by building, severity,ect. I'm sure none of your are intrested in this specific application, but it is cool to know that TI calcs are a very useful tool in the real world, and not just in the High School enviroment. Now if TI would release that SDK....
14 October 1999, 15:13 GMT
Re: Rusty Wagner Releases Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 2
Just a question -- If the Black Link and the Serial Link are the same option in VTI, can we use the serial link on the 83+ graph link and select the black link option?
14 October 1999, 03:42 GMT
Re: Rusty Wagner Releases Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 2
(Web Page)
In the previous version, my PC would completely freeze (not even num lock responded) after loading the TI89 auto-saved state. Also, that file's size is less than the total amount of RAM and Archive. Has the bug been addressed or fixed? Also, on TI89 ROM 1.05, contrast is broken. Does the new version fix that?
14 October 1999, 04:47 GMT
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