Basic and Assembly Programmers Group
Posted by Nick on 13 October 1999, 23:05 GMT
Chris Dietz has begun a new page to be hosted under the Basic and Assembly Programmers Group. It is another programming group with some interesting projects under development, most notably a Zelda clone. Best of luck to BAPG in all their developments!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Basic and Assembly Programmers Group
Jean Vásquez
(Web Page)
There are no comments on this article yet. Why don't you <B><A HREF= "/cgi-bin/news-subcom.cgi?NewsID=17332"> add one </A></B>?
13 October 1999, 23:37 GMT
Re: Basic and Assembly Programmers Group
(Web Page)
Will this page address TI's upcoming SDK or simply try to focus on the more creative form of assembly programming?
13 October 1999, 23:45 GMT
Re: Basic and Assembly Programmers Group
(Web Page)
I'm glad to see another TI-83/83+ site emerging... seems like most TI sites are focused on the TI-89 now, which is unfortunate for those of us who don't have one.
14 October 1999, 00:16 GMT
Re: Basic and Assembly Programmers Group
(Web Page)
Is there a compiler with manual for progging for Ion for Ti 83+!!!!! Thank you so much and good luck guys!
love ya!
14 October 1999, 00:19 GMT

Re: Re: ION
(Web Page)
Actually, ASM is the closest thing to machine language, using a processor's native instruction set and directly accessing memory locations. It's really complicated-ass stuff and hard to find many good resources. Then you need to write programs that are, like, 20 pages long just to multiply a few numbers or display something on the screen (perhaps a bit of an exag. here) You can't use variables, at least not like in a high-level language, but you have to do things manually by loading registers and then copying between them and memory addresses. :) Try downloading a whole bunch of source code and figuring things out. It's really the only way. Also if you want to do really cool stuph a good thing to do is to download the include files from TI's website and look at them in a text editor. Looking at other peoples' work really is the most constructive way to learn ASM, and also I would recommend getting a library book on z80 assembly, they're all over, they aren't very specific but are helpful in telling you what things like "ld" and "cp" and "jp nz" mean and what registers actually are. >So, let me get this straight is this just like...say a compiler for >Basic or Pascal.... Where do i learn this ASM language.... ExPLAIN!
15 October 1999, 06:03 GMT
Guestbook Violence
Jorge Tellez
On the guestbook, many insult the site with very creative analogies. What I think is ironic is how they say the makers of the site have no lives, yet have enough time to think of and write these long insults. Grow up, make your own page if you are so insulted by their attempts to make it into the game. It isn't that hard to push [BACK].
14 October 1999, 00:44 GMT
Re: Basic and Assembly Programmers Group
Jonah Cohen
(Web Page)
Can we say "graphic artist"?
14 October 1999, 03:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Basic and Assembly Programmers Group
Zeromus Mog
(Web Page)
I understand that situation... in a way I'm one of them... I'm not gonna go blast this site or let out streams of profanity on their guestbook over the matter, but when I went to the site I was pretty upset... the page that I submitted to them was almost exactly like that one except for some critical differences:
1) I knew how to use the background color tag
2) I knew how to spell
3) The site obviously (but not tackily with the stupid animated .gif's) stated that the site is under construction, and WILL be improved.
4) By then, Mogsoft's Secret Button was out with rave reviews. Unless I'm mistaken (and I often am) this group really hasn't produced anything yet...
I can understand why some people would be so bitter about having this place have a site over them... it's very frusturating. But please guys, don't go cuss these guys out.
President of Mogsoft, Inc.
P.S. If any of you saw a post from a Mogsoft employee that ragged on this site, please disregard it. He will be, ah, "dealt with". ^_^ (Come back here, Kyle! The wombat's not tired yet!) :)
15 October 1999, 04:05 GMT