Tetris Attack Ported to Ion (83/83 Plus) by TCPA
Posted by Nick on 4 October 1999, 04:11 GMT
TCPA has proved true so far with its "new program every week" statement, releasing the incomprehensibly popular Tetris Attack for Ion. 83 and 83 Plus versions are available. Next week, even more material will be released. We're looking forward to many more great programs from this prolific assembly programming group.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Tetris Attack Ported to 83 and 83 Plus by TCPA
Okay, what next.
4 October 1999, 04:17 GMT
Re: Tetris Attack Ported to 83 and 83 Plus by TCPA
I think some more 68k coders should join with the TCPA. There seems to be an outpouring of 83(+) games coming out that I wish were on the 89. They have Yoshi, but that's about it for a platform other than the 83.
4 October 1999, 06:05 GMT
Re: Tetris Attack Ported to 83 and 83 Plus by TCPA
Bryan Rabeler
(Web Page)
Tetris Attack for SOS (TI-83) has been out since May 29, 1999. Hence, I don't think the "ported to the 83" phrase in the headline is correct. All they did was convert it from SOS to Ion, which isn't that significant. :)
4 October 1999, 06:25 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Tetris Attack Ported to 83 and 83 Plus by TCPA
Nathan Haines
(Web Page)
Well, 85S saving was added to XCEdit by way of a five hour hacking run (as you can see by going to the "web page" URL). I started working, and working, and when I finally started making ground, it became more and more exciting until I finally managed to complete my task. (Well, checksum implementation sucked, but the rest was great.)
I didn't spend more than an hour or two at one sitting programming on that project before then. And if I hadn't done it all in one shot, it would have taken me forever to finish.
Thing is, some people like programming, and others don't. Remember that when you were a kid and your parents dragged you to a party, you were bored out of your mind. That does not mean that they were not having fun. You cannot say that because you find something boring, it is useless and others who do that thing don't have a life. It's non sequitur--that is, it doesn't follow logically.
Remember, some people program for a living. Others are training for a dream job doing the same thing. ;)
6 October 1999, 23:49 GMT
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