Zilog Re-does Z80 - eZ80 Announced
Posted by Nick on 21 September 1999, 01:33 GMT
Slashdot has once again posted an article of note -- this time, Zilog, the company that created the Z80 processors that (most notably) the 82, 83, 85 and 86 run on, has decided to re-release their successful processor, calling it the eZ80. For more info, consult Zilog's page on it here. It looks like it will offer a host of improvements that could possibly lead to better calculators being developed in the future.
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Re: Zilog Re-does Z80 - eZ80 Announced
(Web Page)
ha, this is funny a faster cpu? for a calc? come on ok so i play games and stuff... and done some cool stuff with the calc but this? thats out of line what will you have to cary with you a car battery? j/k probably a laptop battery? hehe anyway this would be a nice thing but who really cares if you need a second calc wouldnt you get the 89 or 92? why go lower ?? plus how are programes going to run with that fast a cpu? they might as well add a color display and a built in tv/fm tuner lol...
21 September 1999, 08:06 GMT
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