August 1999 POTM Vote
Posted by Andy on 8 September 1999, 02:29 GMT
It is once again time to vote for the Program of the Month award. Please leave sections you do not own calculators for blank. To vote, visit the account-enabled voting page.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: August 1999 POTM Vote
Jean Vásquez
(Web Page)
I am surprised Prosit did not make the list, I am sure I would have nominated Prosit, had the damn script put it up when I voted. Would someone please put Prosit on the list? Wait, damn, I already voted. Still, put it in.
8 September 1999, 04:27 GMT

Back-To-School and News Influx. Back to school for me, that is.
While the latest version of SF2 "afc" (whatever afc stands for) has had more than its share of crashes, I can attest to the weakness of the AI in SF2T v0.18.
I want to disagree with your opinion (that Prosit should win every month until...), but is there much else new? no...
And what the heck is up with three news items in one day? School's started for me this week and I didn't have time to drop by. Then on Wednesday night (I'm in PDT, so shup :P) I log in, and I see three news items: new 82/83 games/ports, a new site, and announcement of Kirk's CrASM. (BTW--remember, Kirk never retires. :) )
Anyway, I have to work on some shitty HOMEWORK (argh, grr, f***, those expletives), so ttfn.
9 September 1999, 09:04 GMT
Nobody is testing our programs, it seems like
There are so few nominations for POTM that I suspect members are no being able to test the posted programs.
I have a TI89, but I test programs with vti89.exe under Virtual PC (emulating the TI89 in an emulated PC in an iMac). I was able to test many ASM programs but few BASIC programs due to "Transmission Error." Down with file corruption! ...some file quality should be pursued. :)
8 September 1999, 04:55 GMT
Re: August 1999 POTM Vote
(Web Page)
I don't think it's much of a surprise that Nibbles was nominated for TI89 game, it was the only choice available for a few hours, due to a bug.
8 September 1999, 06:56 GMT