New Staff Member: Eric Sun
Posted by Andy on 1 September 1999, 17:36 GMT
As the new month begins, we have several exciting new items to share with you. First we would like to congratulate Eric Sun on becoming a member of the staff. As a staff member, he will be taking over the newsletter and also helping out with reviews and file archives. We look forward to his continued contributions as we begin our busiest season.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: New Staff Member
Hey, I've never gotten the first comment before.
Good to see that TI Calc is continuing their tradition of being the best. Good luck, and keep up the good work, to everyone
2 September 1999, 01:43 GMT
Muh comment
Nick Silkey
(Web Page)
Dewd... Dat r0x0rz.. Eye yam phamouz (danke Quardox! J00 n00zl3tt3r piMP!) s0 Ph34r m@y3!
Oh yeah, Quardox is like, the god-like Asian Xetov, so j00 bezt ph34r!
AANNDD, my comment in the newsletter is true. Phuq the TI-iMaCz!
-Phillah da phewl
5 September 1999, 20:24 GMT
Re: New Staff Member
Bryan Rabeler
(Web Page)
Why are you trying to cover this up? Everytime I post a comment, asking why the Sept. 1999 newsletter was posted without the top 10 included, it gets deleted? Why?
I just want a simple answer, and I want these cover-ups to end. It seems you guys just can't admit to a mistake being made, and then moving on. You always have to cover it up, or downplay the situation. I'm getting very tired of this....
5 September 1999, 21:31 GMT

Re: Re: New Staff Member
Andy Selle
(Web Page)
First of all, if you wanted to contact the staff this is not the proper forum in which to do that. You should email webmaster or help.
>Why are you trying to cover this up? Everytime I post
> a comment, asking why the Sept. 1999
> newsletter was posted without the top 10 included, it
> gets deleted? Why?
We are not trying to cover these events up. Everytime you post, you do it in a derogatory and sarcastic way. If you honestly wanted things fixed or changed, you would not write in this way. You would email us the problem and we would fix it. I think we are not trying to downplay errors as much as you are trying to overplay them. Your comment on the subject read, "It is strange that they didn't post the newsletter with the top ten." I don't know why you thought it was strange. It was your complaint and the complaints of others on the thread that said it was inappropriate and should have been omitted. This comment was only intended to make the staff look bad. That is, in truth, all you are trying to do. So please don't insult us by pretending as if we don't know what you are trying to do.
> I just want a simple answer, and I want
> these cover-ups to end. It seems you guys
> just can't admit to a mistake being made,
> and then moving on. You always have to
> cover it up, or downplay the situation.
> I'm getting very tired of this....
I think you are imagining cover-ups. We fix our mistakes as quickly as we can, and we don't crowd our web site with messages about fixes. Look at any site. You don't see them putting a big red light on something and saying "We fixed this." And perhaps, before you make any more complaints in our direction, please examine your motives for pointing out errors. Maybe you will find that just as we have errors that we correct and move on, so do you.
This is all I will say on this matter, please email me if you would like to talk further. I'd be happy to entertain any further suggestions or comments, there.
5 September 1999, 21:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: New Staff Member
Bryan Rabeler
(Web Page)
I think if you had just responded to my comment, stating the reason why the top 10 list was left out of the newsletter, even though it was actually sent out to all the subscribers - that would have been much better, and a more professional way of handling the situation, instead of just deleting my comment.
I am not asking you to put your messages in flashing red lights, or anything fancy. I am just asking for a reasonable answer, perhaps in a response to my comment. But I do not appreciate my comments beind deleted.
What rule did my comment violate? I was not flaming anyone, I was not bringing up any website competition... I didn't use HTML tags, or unclean language..
Andy - maybe you fail to understand this, but you PERSONALLY offended me with your newsletter. That is why I am upset. And I am very disappointed that you guys won't apologize. The only thing you seem to have done was to quietly delete the section from the newsletter.
5 September 1999, 22:08 GMT