BASM Announces Create-Your-Own-Pokémon Contest
Posted by Nathan on 27 August 1999, 07:08 GMT
BASM announced today that it is hosting a contest. Users can design a name, graphic, and other stats for a custom Pokémon. Two winners will have their Pokémon included in BASM's upcoming TI-83 game. Visit for more details.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: BASM Announces Create-Your-Own-Pokémon Contest
Wells Sample
(Web Page)
How big on the screen should the pokemon be? Also, do we give the characteristics such as strong points, weak points, and its special attacks?
(wow, first comment)
27 August 1999, 08:00 GMT
Re: BASM Announces Create-Your-Own-Pokémon Contest
(Web Page)
Why only two? I think more winners should be awarded.
-Miles Raymond
27 August 1999, 08:05 GMT

Answers to above questions
Joel Seligstein
(Web Page)
Hi, I am Joel Seligstein, I am the head of the Pokemon project. When you create your pokemon,we have not decided all of the logistics for the sprite size, etc. We will have a page of rules posted within the next couple of days. We went ahead and released the idea so people could start thinking.
Why only two winners? Because that makes people work harder (it initially was only one). Also, there is the question of memory. We are already using the whole calc's mem, so we are hoping it can even fit (remember how much stuff we have to store constantly from each pokemon type, level, moves, HP, etc.) We are givin translucent slide cases to the two winners, also, so we know it isn't a lot, but still, money doesn't grow on trees.
27 August 1999, 13:46 GMT
What is Pokémon?
Im sorry if I seem ignorant but I juswt have one question. What is/are Pokémon and what's so great about it. I hear everyone talking about it but I still don't know what is is.
27 August 1999, 17:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What is Pokémon?
Matthew Hernandez
(Web Page)
Okay, first, I wasn't quite bringing up God, I was just simply stating where I stand.
Secondly, I was just saying that the article was really silly and made no sense (I mean, come one, a bunch of Pokemon isn't an occult!).
Thirdly, the article WAS kind-of funny, and amusingly entertaining!
Fourthly, how is God the biggest mistake?
Matt H.
31 August 1999, 18:51 GMT
Re: BASM Announces Create-Your-Own-Pokémon Contest
Will there be 150 pokemon? What about the plot?
27 August 1999, 19:54 GMT
Re: BASM Announces Create-Your-Own-Pokémon Contest
Ryan Bennett
are you planning on releasing a demo any time soon? even a very small crappy one would be nice, just to see how the work is progressing....
4 September 1999, 05:43 GMT