TI-89/92+ ROM v1.05 Problems and Corrections
Posted by Nick on 31 July 1999, 22:05 GMT
David Hart has posted a great deal of information on his site regarding the new TI-89 and 92+ ROMs. These ROM versions result in incompatibility with a great deal of games. David has also created a patching utility for 89 and 92+ assembly programs so they will work properly with the ROM. Only use this with programs that don't work under the new ROM. Patched programs will NOT work under the old ROM version. If you have any difficulties with finding out what programs work, you can view a list here. Thanks to David for all his efforts!
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
flashing the rom with a parallel link??
I have made myself a parallel link cable to send stuff to my 89 with, and I was wondering if it was possible to use it to flash my ROM. I allready tried to send the .tib file included in the TI89Base.exe file, and I have tried to convert it using VTI, by selecting send product code in the emulator. It then asked me where I would like to save it to (on my Hdd), but it kind of froze after it had sent 29K. I tried to send this with Wtran8X, and it worked for like 5 seconds, but it just stopped at the 1.05 ROM bootup screen on my 89, and said "waiting to recieve". Any help is appreciated!
1 August 1999, 16:57 GMT
Patching Rom v1.12 on the TI-92
Is there a program that will patch the non flash rom of the TI-92 rom to a rom of v2.1 since I dearly need to get Fargo II to work instead of Fargo I.
THere propably is one somewhere since there is program to patch the non flash rom of the Ti-85.
2 August 1999, 22:52 GMT
Re: Patching Rom v1.12 on the TI-92
Jean Vásquez
(Web Page)
I am sorry to inform you that you cannot patch the rom of the TI-932, the TI-92 (without the Plus module), the TI-80, TI-81, TI-82, TI-83, TI-85, and TI-86. These calc do not have flashable roms, and unless you are a beta tester for TI, you will not get a version of some of these calcs which have flashable roms.
3 August 1999, 00:13 GMT
Userlib, killBill & doors explorer
Hi, i have a problem with userlib, killbill and doors explorer.
Killbill works fine with the userlib provided with ROM patcher but don't work with the version that comes with doors 2b.
Doorsexplorer refuses to run with the lib that is provided with rom patcher...
4 August 1999, 12:00 GMT
Re: TI-89/92+ ROM v1.05 Problems and Corrections
Does anyone have a link to the old version of the rom (V1.00). I want to put it back.
5 August 1999, 14:32 GMT
Re: TI-89/92+ ROM v1.05 Problems and Corrections
Hey guys--isn't there some sort of vector table in memory that points to the ROM functions, so they're uniformly usable over ROM versions?
5 August 1999, 21:54 GMT
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