Assembly Editor 8x
Posted by Kirk on 6 July 1999, 03:45 GMT
Ahmed El-Helw has announced that he is creating an assembly editor - similar to Assembly Studio 86 - for the Z80 series of calculators (82, 83, 85, and 86) and possibly a version for the M68000 (89 and 92) as well. Features will include full syntax highlighting (not just labels and comments) as well as size and T-state count utilities. The program is being written in Delphi, and the estimated release date is the first week of August.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Assembly Editor 8x
Glad to hear it! One question - what platform(s) will this be written for?
6 July 1999, 04:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Assembly Editor 8x
Jerry Jankura
Because the 8080 instruction set is a subset of the Z-80 code. Although the mnemonics for the two microprocessors are different, if you assemble a ld a,b instruction on the Z80, you'll find that it generates exactly the same machine code as the mov a,b instruction on the 8080. Intel was out first with their 8080 chip. Frederico Fagin, one of their designers, then proposed an improved 8080 chip that would have a superset of the 8080 instructions. Instead of producing the chip, Intel opted for the 8085. Fagin went on to found Zilog whose first chip just happened to be the Z-80, which was an 8080 compatable chip with a superset of instructions. When the CP/M machines ruled the desktop (or personal) computer kingdom, most of the chips were Zilog's Z-80 (because it required only a 5 volt power supply and ran at 4 Mhz) but most of the software was written to the 8080 instruction set so that it could run on either processor. Hence, providing an environment that would generate 8080 code for the calculators would fit right into the capabilities of the Z-80.
12 July 1999, 16:33 GMT
Re: Assembly Editor 8x
Jonah Cohen
(Web Page)
Great job Ahmed! It's cool to see that people are developing such great software. I look forward to trying this out in a few weeks.
6 July 1999, 04:26 GMT
Re: Assembly Editor 8x
adam b
(Web Page)
Good! Sounds like it'll work a lot nicer than notepad :)...
6 July 1999, 04:29 GMT
Re: Assembly Editor 8x
(Web Page)
Ahmed El-Helw: rock on dude.
6 July 1999, 06:11 GMT
Re: Assembly Editor 8x
First off, kudos to Ahmed! I can't wait to try out this program and see how well it works.
Also, who just released all the TI-85 strings? They appear to have originally been for ZShell but were modified for Supernova.
6 July 1999, 06:16 GMT
Re: Assembly Editor 8x
Jeffrey Malone
(Web Page)
Well, looks like ACZ is moving down in the community. With the recent resignation of 3 members they have lost a lot of production i would imagine. All they have left is a few good (very good tho) programmers. They pretty much dominize the computer utilities though. In fact, the only non-ACZ ustility I use is ASM Toolbox, but now they have iStudio which works better...
Looks like they have some competition!
BTW, can we send Ahemd suggestions that we would like?
6 July 1999, 07:16 GMT

Re: Re: Assembly Editor 8x
Matt Johnson
(Web Page)
I'm not sure what you mean by moving down in the community. The productivity might be a little decreased, we are very busy with jobs, school, and for some of us, college. But we still are working on huge projects, one of our projects have span over a year. I also have a couple plans myself for the TI-86 community.. I am working on a new, completley rewritten 86 central and I also have a game I will continue pretty soon. Utilities like iStudio are simple.. I finished it in two weeks..
Delphi is a pretty good tool. With good compilers, there is no real speed difference between pascal and C. Plus Delphi, from what I heard, compiles very quick.
6 July 1999, 20:04 GMT
Re: Assembly Editor 8x
Will it have a build-in assembler/linker? If it does please make the MC68000 assembler accept spaces after the commas. A68K doesn't and that sucks.
6 July 1999, 13:40 GMT
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