April 1999 POTM Results
Posted by Andy on 14 May 1999, 03:38 GMT
Votes tabulated at Fri May 14 01:31:29 1999 | 82-Assembly | Short Description | Votes | Percent | * [Ash 3.0+] Safe-T-Calc v2.1 | 35 | 100.00% | Total | 35 | 100% | | 83-Assembly | Short Description | Votes | Percent | Hexing v2.0 | 6 | 19.35% | Life v1.1 | 12 | 38.71% | * Piano 83 | 13 | 41.94% | Total | 31 | 100% | | 85-Assembly | Short Description | Votes | Percent | * Orzunoid v7.0 | 26 | 72.22% | [Usgard 1.5+] Scrappy v1.0 | 1 | 2.78% | [Usgard 1.5+] Street Wars! | 9 | 25.00% | Total | 36 | 100% | | 86-Assembly | Short Description | Votes | Percent | Drugwars 86 v2.1 | 18 | 36.00% | MSE v3.5 | 10 | 20.00% | Space Game Demo | 3 | 6.00% | * Zap-2000 v.72 | 19 | 38.00% | Total | 50 | 100% | | 89/92+-Assembly | Short Description | Votes | Percent | Bomber Boy v.40 Beta | 7 | 11.48% | MegaCar v1.2.1 | 4 | 6.56% | * Street Fighter II v0.18 Beta | 28 | 45.90% | Super Mario Quest v0.9.9 | 22 | 36.07% | Total | 61 | 100% | | 92-Assembly | Short Description | Votes | Percent | Find it ! v1.0 | 6 | 13.04% | * Super Mario Quest v0.9.9 | 40 | 86.96% | Total | 46 | 100% | | Computer Utilities | Short Description | Votes | Percent | Hyperion Compiler | 4 | 6.56% | TI GrayImage v3.5 | 9 | 14.75% | * Virtual TI v2.0 Alpha 4 | 48 | 78.69% | Total | 61 | 100% | | TI-BASIC | Short Description | Votes | Percent | 3-D Calendar | 8 | 16.67% | LaPlace & Differential Equation Solvers | 8 | 16.67% | P.W. Yatzy | 0 | 0.00% | PSI Math Tools v1.51 | 7 | 14.58% | * Quest Customizable Game Engine | 13 | 27.08% | Resident Evil v1.0 | 12 | 25.00% | Total | 48 | 100% | * Denotes Winner
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: April 1999 POTM Results
Chris Moultrie
Hey! Everything I voted won, Cool!! Congrats to the winners!
14 May 1999, 04:21 GMT
Re: April 1999 POTM Results
Nikolan Sparanocov
Only four people liked hyperion?
oh well.
Everything else I voted for won, so I guess I'm happy.
Hats off to the winners!
14 May 1999, 04:45 GMT
Re: April 1999 POTM Results
Jake B
(Web Page)
Geez! Streetfigher Won?
~Jake B
14 May 1999, 04:52 GMT
Re: April 1999 POTM Results
thats it, next year im getting a ti89: THEIR GAMES ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE 86's. can someone tell me if another new calculator is coming out soon, better than the ti89
14 May 1999, 05:17 GMT

The Notorious Computerman
(Web Page)
I don't know how you could expect something that much better than the TI-89... and have it still be a calc. It's got a M68k CPU (the same as the original Mac and as Gameboy), 512K RAM, Flash ROM, Gameboy-res screen, etc. It factors, does 3D graphing... all this really complex stuff; keep in mind, this is a POCKET CALCULATOR. Not that long ago, "Pocket Calculator" denoted a Gameboy-sized box that ate up batteries really fast and had nothing more complex than an 8-digit display and divide [or, if you were lucky, sq. root]. Now look!
On a side note, it is my theory that electronics will eventually all merge into three things... your do-it-all automated home, a similarly-equipped [self-driving] automobile, and a multifunction portable device, perhaps some crossbreed between the TI-92, a Windows CE device, and a MiniDisc player. Won't that be the day ;-)
14 May 1999, 05:57 GMT
The Notorious Computerman
(Web Page)
While both of these options are possible, neither are practical. First off, TI (and many users) see the calculators as just that: tools for school. While many people use them for gaming during free time (myself included), this is not their main function, and is therefore not taken into much account when the things are designed. 512Kb is plenty of memory for math apps, etc., and that's how TI is going to see it. While they realize their machines are used for games, they most likely will not design them for this purpose. That's what a Gameboy is for.
Also, extra slots and stuff like this would be very expensive. Should they be added, you could very easily see calc prices shoot into the 4-5 hundred dollar range. Just how much are you willing to pay for a pocket calc, anyway? [as far a price hikes, keep in mind that the technology of the actual calc would also have to be boosted to fully support such drives, adding to the raise in cost]
Finally, a MiniDisc or FlashRAM slot would be very impractical as far a energy consumption. Consider how long your batteries last you in a normal TI calculator, when you use it a lot. Then think of how long batteries (normal ones) last in things such as Genesis Nomad, old laptops, and similar devices. Running a drive is a major power drainer.
15 May 1999, 05:00 GMT
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