TI-92 Plus in New Case
Posted by Kirk on 23 April 1999, 00:46 GMT
Texas Instruments has announced that they will now sell the TI-92 Plus in its own case. Previously, it was necessary to buy a TI-92, and then buy the Plus chip if you wanted the extra functionality. Now, you can buy the whole thing in one package. For those users who currently own a TI-92, the Plus upgrade will still be available in chip form. The current software will continue to work even though the case is different. Source: Texas Instruments
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-92 Plus in New Case
desperte for some damn news. It pisses me off to see you guys so dmn dumb.
23 April 1999, 01:02 GMT
Re: TI-92 Plus in New Case
Well. this is off the subject, but......
I have the graph link cable, and i take friends' calculators home and put games on them......i recently took a ti-83 to put games on it. I found a game called "uncleworm"....well i put it on there, and played it, and i love it......i would like it if someone would port this 83 ASM game (for SOS v 1.7 on ti-83) to 89ASM for doors OS PLEASE......this is a great game, and i would like it ported to ti-89 (the calculator i own) i got uncleworm at ticalc.org, in the SOS directory.
thank you.
23 April 1999, 02:35 GMT

Re: Re: "joo n3wb|3 |_4m4h"
Not impossible, just impractical. For those of you who don't know: The TI-89/92(+) use a Motorola 68000 processor (like older Macs), while the TI-82/83(+)/85/86 use a ZiLOG Z80.
What does this mean? Well, if you want to port a program from the 83 to the 86, it means you can reuse much of the assembly code since it's going to be running on the same processor. You have to worry about things like different screen sizes, but in general much of the code can stay the same.
However, if you wanted to port a program from the 86 to the 89, you couldn't reuse any of the code. You'd have to rewrite it from scratch using the 68000 equivalent.
You still shouldn't beg for ports, especially not here in the news, but if you're going to ask nicely, make sure you know which ports are realistic.
23 April 1999, 19:09 GMT
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