TI-89/92+ Assembly Petition Sent
Posted on 13 March 1999, 17:11 GMT
Matt Peresie has successfully sent the TI-89/92+ Assembly petition to Texas Instruments. The petition contained 650 names along with a paragraph requesting what we wanted from TI. This petition requested that, since assembly support was built into the TI-89/92+, that assembly information should be released to programmers just as it has been for the TI-83 and TI-86. As soon as Matt receives a reply, he will post it under the "Comments" link.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-89/92+ Assembly Petition Sent
Help me
As it is now, are there any good 68k tutorials out there? I wanna learn but I can't seem to find anything....
14 March 1999, 22:55 GMT
Re: TI-89/92+ Assembly Petition Sent
If TI just wants to make $ on Flash-ROM progs and doesn't release to ASM info. Couldn't there be an effort to take apart the 89's ROM and try to document it some. This wouldn't be as good as TI supplied docs, but it would be an option.
15 March 1999, 00:16 GMT
Re: TI-89/92+ Assembly Petition Sent
I have a question, is there a periodic table for the TI-86? If so please reply and let me know!
15 March 1999, 12:53 GMT
Re: TI-89/92+ Assembly Petition Sent
I have a question:
There are already a handful of ASM games for the 89, 92 and 92+.
Where did those authors get the information?
Why can't we just talk to them about ASM information instead of bothering TI about it?
15 March 1999, 19:02 GMT
Re: TI-89/92+ Assembly Petition Sent
(Web Page)
Hello everybody,
I think it's fait that TI would send this information. 650 names is still 650, it's a great number that counts! If there were more people, the chances of getting the info would be bigger, but I know a lot of TI-owners who don't have access to Internet and not to TICALC.ORG. So realise it TI! People demand full knowledge of your products!
Everybody's sincerely,
16 March 1999, 20:22 GMT
Re: TI-89/92+ Assembly Petition Sent
Dan Sandstrom
If TI doesn't release this information, then there are going to be some VERY PO'ed people out here. I'll be one of them.
17 March 1999, 00:28 GMT
Re: TI-89/92+ Assembly Petition Sent
If the petition doesn't work. Does anyone think that if we got the support of teachers and sent their names with position that TI would look harder into the issue. I only say this because TI has spent a lot of time and money on education and if it we have the teachers support TI might consider the issue harder.
17 March 1999, 05:42 GMT
Re: Re: Re: TI-89/92+ Assembly Petition Sent
(Web Page)
Hey Dux,
I think you're right what you're saying about the teachers. At my school all teachers really HATE prog's on you calc. If you're making a good one, that really works and is relevant with the subject, he's mad and doesn't want to see it's usefull. ASM, they think, is mainly used for games so, they don't want to care about it anyway. I think learning ASM is very usefull, especially for math. You'll learn to think systematic and logical, but that's only my point of view :)
Yours sincerely,
17 March 1999, 20:09 GMT
Teachers & Calcs
Rob Hornick
Personally, my experience with teachers and programs on calcs has been good. I made a program for my 82 and 92+ that can solve any formula I've learned so far (I'm in Geometry) and showed it to my teacher. He said it was "neat". (His words, not mine). Also, he's been glad to have me in his class because I am about the only person who knows anything about the calcs or programming. As for games, he doesn't care as long as you don't play them during class. Although, our school has a no-games policy on graphing calculators (the dean says that they then become prohibited gaming devices i.e. you aren't allowed to have them, period. He's confiscated about 5 I know of so far, some 82s, 83s, 85s, and 86s. I've been told to put my "Game Gear" away before too.) Anyway, my guess is that if you told your teacher TI was not releasing information on how to write math and science assembly programs, they'd let you put their name on it. One more thing, if TI gave out the Flash ROM information, that would be great as well. Imagine developing a total, seamlessly integrated, GUI for the calc (of course it could shell to the TIOS.)
Rob Hornick
Lucid Systems
20 March 1999, 01:11 GMT
limits program for the 83/82
Hello everyone
Me and my friends have been trying to convert an 85 limts program into and 83 format this program should be very helpful to the TI community if some one could convert it please email me for a copy of the program, just forgot its in basic
19 March 1999, 19:45 GMT
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