Assembly Coder's Zenith acquires domain name
Posted on 31 December 1998, 18:05 GMT
The Assembly Coder's Zenith (ACZ) recently became the fourth TI-related website to aquire a domain name (the second being TI-Files and third Techno-Plaza). On the website,, there is a wealth of information regarding ACZ's current projects, tutorials, and its members. This site also hosts 86 Central, 89 Central, and the 86 Emulator Site (for the TI-86 emulator by Steve Gordon). ACZ is an alliance of C and Assembly programmers for the PC, Z80, and 68K platforms. Members include Dux Gregis, David Phillips, Stephen Hicks, James Rubingh, Brett Barwick, Clément Vasseur (aka CLEM), Dave Sheltema, and Matt Johnson.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Assembly Coder''s Zenith aquires domain name
Henry the Talking Fish
Each and every single one of those guys is a no-name hack. They couldn't write a decent program if the life of their mothers depended on it. Name one (1) of them who has written a decent program, and not just some garbage.
Henry the Talking Fish
31 December 1998, 19:03 GMT
Re: Assembly Coder''s Zenith aquires domain name
(Web Page)
hey don't rip on these guys. Dux and David Phillips contribute a lot to that asm86 list and obviously know what they're talkin about. Dux Gregis has the best 86asm tutorials around. i learned z80 by going through everyone of his tutorials.
by the way flamer guy if you're goinna right something like i wouldn't recommend writing your email address. ha ha ha.
31 December 1998, 21:43 GMT
Another Domain
1 January 1999, 03:47 GMT
Re: Assembly Coder''s Zenith aquires domain name
What site was the third TI-related website? I'm assuming you are not counting
1 January 1999, 03:47 GMT
Re: Assembly Coder''s Zenith aquires domain name
Matthew Johnson
(Web Page)
Hehe, thanks for the support guys. Rest assured that I (and probably all of ACZ) do not take insult to someone who calls himself "Henry the talking fish".
Thanks for all the nice e-mail messages we recieved so far. We are grateful for the support!
Matt Johnson
ACZ Website author/Server Administrator
1 January 1999, 04:45 GMT
Re: Assembly Coder''s Zenith aquires domain name
Miles Raymond
(Web Page)
Nice site, but can I recommend something?
Why don't you make all of your sites (, 86 Central, 89 Central, and 86 EMU) all have the same layout like 86 Central. That page looks cool and I think that your sites would look better (and show unity) by all having the same layout and design.
-Miles Raymond
1 January 1999, 06:36 GMT

Re: Re: Assembly Coder''s Zenith aquires domain name
Matt Johnson
(Web Page)
A unity site design would be interesting, however I wanted to add a little variety. At ACZ all the pages are slighty different, but basically all have the same look (frames,"clean looking" taables, etc).
Since (hopefully) Dux Gregis is going to be the head author of 89 central, the layout will be up to him, although I'll help him implement the design :)
ACZ has so much stuff in the works right now that we hardly sleep (yesterday most of the ACZ members were up till 4AM on New Years, and David overloaded on Mountain Dew :))
Anyway, expect some cool stuff in the future, we have a lot awesome games in development (and some stuff isn't even announced on our page), some good CGI's I am working on for the website, and some kick ass logos are underway. Keep up the support! :)
Matt Johnson
ACZ Website author/Server Administrator
1 January 1999, 18:08 GMT
Re: Assembly Coder''s Zenith aquires domain name
| is an awesome site! It looks really good, and I can't wait until it's more fully developed. 86 central is the best, and I can't wait for 89 central to get off the ground! I hope that all of you work together to make some really interesting and cool stuff!
(BTW, to those of you who don't know anyone in ACZ, I've heard some rumors of some pretty cool stuff in the works, so people like Henry the Talking Fish better watch their mouth. :)
1 January 1999, 10:17 GMT
Re: Assembly Coder''s Zenith aquires domain name
Mark Leverentz
| rules! I can't wait until 89 Central is finished. If all those things mentioned in the page's table of contents will really be added, that site is going to be AWESOME! Nice work on what's already done, guys; and we look forward to what is to come!
6 January 1999, 00:15 GMT