New TI-Graph Link software for Macintosh released
Posted on 30 December 1998, 02:32 GMT
After many months of waiting, it is finally here. Texas Instruments has released the TI-Graph Link 2 v2.1 Beta 1 software for the Macintosh with TI-73, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92 Plus support.
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Re: New TI-Graph Link software for Macintosh released
Big Punisher
This story isn't news worthy. Macs suck anyways. Get a real computer. All 8 Mac users out there.
30 December 1998, 04:23 GMT
Re: New TI-Graph Link software for Macintosh released
Tomás E. A. M.
I'm using the current version of TI Graphlink (v2.1 b1) with my TI 89 and have encountered several problems. UNWANTED changes occur automatically. For example, if a program I'm working on has the command "seq("... it becomes "sequence(". By itself! Obviously, that causes an error in the program. Other commands that change are "pxlcrcl" (to pxlcircle), "‚" (to >), "ok" (to *eye),">=" (to something I can't recall right now).
I'm currently working on porting a couple of large (TI Basic) programs from the 92 to the 89... I've decided to continue using the TI Graphlink for the 92 v1.0.3 (I know 1.0.6 is out, but I find it slow.) Since the main difference is the screen-size, I limit the size of my TI 92 (screen size) to 77 by 159. I'm going to wait for the next update to use the TI Graphlink to edit my 89 programs... for now I'll edit them with my 92 and TI Graphlink v1.0.3.
30 December 1998, 04:28 GMT
Re: New TI-Graph Link software for Macintosh released
it does not work at my mac. Are there any other files needed or just the archive from the internet ?
I dont have any executable file .. why ?
thank you
30 December 1998, 05:08 GMT
Re: New TI-Graph Link software for Macintosh released
Ed Fry
(Web Page)
this is kinda off topic for this discussion, but I personally wish that Ti Would make their PC graphlink programs intregrated like this new mac version is. I mean, Right now I got 6 Seperate Graphlink programs on my PC, and they do pretty much the same thing this new mac version does in one program. I wouldn't care If I had to download a 2 meg file to install support for all the Ti calculators with graphlink capability. It would be worth it.
30 December 1998, 05:30 GMT
Enough with it! But I''ll do some myself!
Mark Slade
(Web Page)
Look, I know Macs are aweful!!! But, this is about TI-Graph Link software!! I don't really think the people like it when people get off the subject! That's what's going on too!
Example for a Mac being aweful:
I have my program highlighted and I press enter, what happens? NOTHING! User Friendly?? I think not!!!
30 December 1998, 14:51 GMT

Re: Off subject?!
(Web Page)
Enter selects the name of a file (to edit the name text). On a PC, if you accidentaly hit enter, you launch a program. We have the advantage of not having to wait for unwanted loads if our finger's slip. Command-O or double click satisfies me just fine!
As for the Graphlink software, I'm glad to see the stuff integrated into one package. I have an older version, but hearing the news, I think I'll update. I have a Power mac G3 Tower. It's 400 MHz, and it IS possible to use the Graphlink with USB. It's a nice machine. I realy hope to see a USB link. I simply use a friends Mac to update my calc. I don't even use my PC, and am infact selling it. I know I could use it, but I drive home each weekend, and my friend lives on the way. Use friends mac an hour away, or use the PC in my closet??? Mac! (:
20 August 1999, 00:36 GMT
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