Doors OS v0.95 Beta released
Posted on 27 December 1998, 00:52 GMT
The Doors Team has released Doors OS v0.95 Beta for the TI-89 and TI-92 Plus. Here's whats new: - Improved Anti-Crash protection crash
- Improved Shift-ON Combo
- New font table addresses in DoorsOS.h
- New handles.txt in the doc
- New function getfreearchive in userlib
- Improved filelib::hdltoindex
- Improved filelib::search
The Doors Team says this should be the last beta version, as it is supposed to be "really stable now".
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Re: Doors OS v0.95 Beta released
James Rubingh
(Web Page)
Cool! i hope that its better, cause i just got an 89 and the doors os that i tried didnt even work. i had to use plus shell. if i did get it to work, after i exited the program, it wouldnt run again, and it would say it couldnt find libraries that were on the calc...
if anyone can help me out with that lib problem i would appreciate it... i cant play phx89 and stuff.
27 December 1998, 01:51 GMT

The alternative
My way of doing things is:
Take the source code (asm, right?), put it in the Plusshell folder, go to the MS-DOS prompt, type call c:\ plusshell\ setps c:\ plusshell (replacing plusshell\ with the directory you have plusshell in; I had to add the spaces because of that 15-char limit), press enter, then type asm89[name of program] , not entering the extension 89z. It should go through two passes, say no errors, and create an 89z file ready to be sent to your calc. If it says any files are missing, look in the zip file the game came from and put the files needed in the plusshell folder and then try again.
I thought convert.bat was for 92+ users converting from Fargo II to Plusshell. One person posted something at dimti saying that Rusty Wagner has a convert for 89 programs on his site. Someone want to give me his URL?
28 December 1998, 07:28 GMT
Re: Doors OS v0.95 Beta released
Improved Shift-On combo? Huh?
Jimmy: "Wow you should have seen Bobby play Mortal Kombat the other day! He had Liu Kang do this awesome 'uppercut - fireball - bicycle - kick - dragon - finishing - move' combo!"
Johnny: "That's nothing! I downloaded Doors OS v0.95 Beta today and it has an improved Shift-On combo."
Jimmy: "Really? Lemme see..."
<Just kidding, Doors team. Doors rocks! Ha ha.>
27 December 1998, 06:35 GMT
Re: Doors OS v0.95 Beta released
now... if you would just make a program to send stuff to the 92+ by using the parallel cable we would live in a perfect world.
would you make the program and include it with Doors?
28 December 1998, 16:30 GMT
More stable? uh?
Well well...
Doors should be more stable? I had it 5 minutes on the calc and the calc crashed: "line 111 emulator ...".
This is how it happened: I was sitting in my chair,cool, playing Tetris. I wanted to put the game into pause but i didnt remind the pause key :-( So i tried to press HOME and whommps all the screen scrambled and the calc turned of... i pressed ON and, guess what, it went back on prompting for the doorspass, i thought: "Wow nice feaure", i entered the pass and the calc went back to Doors Explorer, everything was OK, but when i went out Doors explorer the calc crashed... :-(
Perhaps this problem deal only with Door Explorer and not with the kernel....
However good work guys!!
28 December 1998, 19:44 GMT
Re: Doors OS v0.95 Beta released
I just got a TI-89 and tried to run tetris with Doors .95 and it said gray4lib was not found, but I had it right in the same folder as everything else. I also tried it on plusshell and it wouldn't work. Any help would be appreciated.
28 December 1998, 23:35 GMT
Re: Doors OS v0.95 Beta released
I tried it and it's cool, but isn't a calculator too small to be called a workstation?
29 December 1998, 06:01 GMT