SOS v1.7 to be released soon
Posted on 21 December 1998, 06:47 GMT
Joe Wingbermuehle has announced that SOS v1.7 will be released sometime in the next couple weeks. When it is released, you can find it right here on
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: SOS v1.7 to be released soon
James Rubingh
(Web Page)
Is Bill Nagel ever going to make mario 83?? i heard that he quite programming... completely
21 December 1998, 07:02 GMT
Re: SOS v1.7 to be released soon
Dimagus Demorath
Heck I'm still waiting for him to finish working on Mario 86 (it's 0.91 now, no fireballs) and he hasn't updated his site since AUGUST. Maybe he's like...dead
21 December 1998, 15:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Where is Mario 8x?
Sam Heald
Doubtful. Listen to a porting expert :)
86->85 isn't that hard normally, but with the compression, external levels, on-calc level editor, conversion utility (basically everything to do with the VAT) required, this would be a very difficult 86->85 port to say the least. For the 82/83, even more so, because along with the VAT, you have to factor in a different display controller and a different screen size.
Bill Nagel already said that the more people who ask him to port it the less likely he will. So please pray silently that he will do it. And if he doesn't, it probably won't ever be done. The only other known 82/83 programmer, who has all the PC and TI knowledge required to make a port of this magnitude, is Florent Dhordain, and he's probably too busy.
22 December 1998, 05:26 GMT
Re: SOS v1.7 to be released soon
(Web Page)
Hey Joe what all will SOS 1.7 include? Will it have delete options, hidden programs? Or what? Email me with what it will include will ya.
21 December 1998, 17:37 GMT
Re: SOS v1.7 to be released soon
Hey Joe, what have ya do with my SOS starter??...
21 December 1998, 19:12 GMT
Re: SOS v1.7 to be released soon
Sam Heald
Please say that this version will have all the neccessary set/res commands for runnning ASM programs. Having to add set/res 1,(iy+13), call clrtxtmem, and others to 82->83 ports is annoying.
22 December 1998, 05:13 GMT
83 convertion to 86
Does anyone have a program that converts ti 83 games into ti 86...If you do could you email me and tell me where you got it...thanx...
22 December 1998, 21:54 GMT
Re: SOS v1.7 to be released soon
I am just starting to learn asm I have been working with c++ for awhile now. And it seems alot of others are at similar leves. We can do moderately complicated things but not a side scoler or a arow key gui on a calc. But my idea is if we could get ahold of the sorce we could put two and two together. The point is I think it would be really nice to combine Aruora's interface with ashell or sos.
28 December 1998, 00:20 GMT
Re: SOS v1.7 to be released soon
I just went to Joe W. homepage!!!! And do you know what??? SOS release will be delayed!! Joe's hard drive died :-< RIP :-<
SOS is the best shell for the 83! Go on Joe! Why don't you program something like Winblows 83? No just kidding... That's stupid!
28 December 1998, 19:58 GMT
Bill Nagel...
How the HELL did Bill Nagel learn to program so well? I'm just learning and can't seem to do anything!
I sure hope he releases Mario 83 soon but he's probably dead.
If anyone knows his e-mail or UIN# let me know!!
22 March 1999, 03:39 GMT