Mario 89 title screen contest
Posted on 3 October 1998, 17:32 GMT
Michael Bryan Cook is programming Mario 89 and needs a title screen, so he is having a contest. The screen must fit the following criteria: - 4-shaded grayscale
- Must look good
- Nothing profain, perverted, etc.
- Examples good title screens:
- Mario Land 1&2 (GB)
- Super Mario Bros. 1&3 (NES)
- Must done by the end of October
If you have one to submit, e-mail it to Michael. The winner will receive credit in the program.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Mario 89 title screen contest
I think it good idea. 89 need game!
So program now!
3 October 1998, 19:02 GMT
Re: Mario 89 title screen contest
Daren Ho
(Web Page)
What format does it need to be? Is there a specific size?
3 October 1998, 21:30 GMT
Re: Mario 89 title screen contest
its prolly a good idea to actually have the game coded first, before recruiting outside people, yes?
3 October 1998, 21:40 GMT
Re: Mario 89 title screen contest
i'm assuming this is a basic game right?
3 October 1998, 22:20 GMT
Leon Pierre
I dont know about the 89, but I know that the rest of the 8x series cannot do greyscale in BASIC. so I think this will be an asm game, since I dont think that grey shades can be done in BASIC. If I am wrong, my apologies, and I must say that grey scale in BASIC is a wonderful addition that I wish I could implement into my 85/86 basic programs. So in short, I think that is is an asm game, thats why the author wants a 4 shaded screen.
3 October 1998, 23:08 GMT

Re: HuMm...,,,
Jonah Cohen
you can do grayscale by itself. this is useful only in titlescreens and sequences (actions or movies or whatever). since key input cannot be taken at the same time, it's generally impractical to use grayscale beyond the title.
btw, the way to do grayscale (on 89,92+) is to make all the separate pics with the same base name, ("pic", "p", etc) followed by a number ("pic1"-"pic31"). set it to run like this: CyclePic "pic",31,.001,20
the last one is how many times to run it. probably more than 20, but this is just an example
4 October 1998, 23:36 GMT
Re: Mario 89 title screen contest
Yea! A real 89 game! Now, I have a question...
or am i missing something?
4 October 1998, 04:08 GMT
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