Porters Needed for The Quest III
Posted on 25 August 1998, 22:38 GMT
Mikel Blanchard of Macross Software has released The Quest III - Chapter 1; "Contact" v1.1 for Usgard. For those who missed the first release, this is an RPG game geared to be a mix between Diablo and Final Fantasy VII. CLEM was porting the game to the TI-86, but was forced to stop when his link cable broke (again). Mikel is looking for people to port his game to the TI-82 and TI-83, as well as continue the TI-86 version.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Porters Needed for The Quest III
Dimagus Demorath
For god sake! Somebody needs to make a Long Lasting Durable Super Cable for CLEM!!! I'm really looking forward to this game being ported to an 86.
25 August 1998, 23:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Porters Needed for The Quest III
Laurence L.
This guy is a nut. I mean, whenever someone has a little suggestion, this guy's all over him...
I don't mean disin' but, if you ain't rich, (like people who suggests this kinda thing), just wait and see if any rich dudes can send Clem a link.
As for you, you better have a little respect for people's comments and suggestions. And if you talk back to me, that means you don't have any respect whatsoever.
P.S. can someone rich out there, send Clem a tough link, so we can all enjoy the game before the school starts?
27 August 1998, 07:22 GMT
Re: Porters Needed for The Quest III
Killbat, Conqueror of Worlds
What does this guy do with his cable(s)? Jump rope, tow cars? Or is the Graph-Link just cruddy? (I don't have one, wouldn't know)
25 August 1998, 23:34 GMT

Re: GraphLink durability?
Dark Ryder
I haven't had _any_ problems with my link (an official, TI, "Link-Only" package). Actually, I'm kinda surprised it hasn't died yet. It been dropped, tied, wadded, squashed, smashed (the casing is badly cracked...), dissasembled and even bungeed (I dropped my calc while it was plugged in ;). My 86 has taken an unreasonable amount of abuse, too.
26 August 1998, 00:23 GMT
Re: Porters Needed for The Quest III
Mikel Blanchard
(Web Page)
The port for the 86 is almost complete. I am looking for someone to continue Clems work on it. If I find no one to complete the work, he should be able to resume his work in a month or so. I hope :)
26 August 1998, 00:27 GMT
Re: Porters Needed for The Quest III
hey my link cable broke to (the little metal piece on the tip broke)....those ti-grey link cables aren't made to be taken in and out many times like programmers sometimes (always) need.
I can see how clem could break his
does anyone know if ti will fix it if I send it back in to them
26 August 1998, 13:53 GMT
Re: Porters Needed for The Quest III
Laurence L.
Speaking of Clem, I wonder what happened to his Maze-3D? Can somebody please tell me? I'd appreciate it.
And..I think Clem's hp got shut down.
29 August 1998, 04:09 GMT