Remodeled Staff Page
Posted on 27 July 1998, 20:42 GMT
The Staff page has been remodeled and given a fresh new look. Check out the new brief biographies of each staff member as well as a few updated pictures.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Remodeled Staff Page
Dan Koester
(Web Page)
Whoa, new feature is kinda cool... I didn't even look at the staff page. But this comments thing is pretty cool.
Oh yeah, check out my page... The Ti-files... it rules!
one of the top 2... this being the other of course
28 July 1998, 10:35 GMT
Re: Remodeled Staff Page
You should include the age of every staff member. They seem very young!
28 July 1998, 14:14 GMT