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Zip86 v0.6


Ranked as 4115 on our all-time top downloads list with 7798 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename zip86.zip (Download)
Title Zip86 v0.6
Description Zip86 is an on-calc compressor / decompressor based on Kirk Meyer's Lite86.
Author Ben Mickle (bmickle@yahoo.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 2,601 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Nov 9 03:30:42 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Joe Stegner
Reviewed on 2004-11-21
Suitability: 7/10 good for mem, but bad due to resets
Ease-Of-Use: 9/10 easy to compress/decompress
Overall: 8/10 needs to be more stable/persistent

Here's something useful for an 86, a compressing/decompressing utility called Zip86.

This program is a nice little program that'll help you save some space in your nice 96k of memory. Just how much? That depends. My results changed from program to program.

Trisolve: Before: 3918 After: 1904
Sim Community 2000: Before:5980 After:5979
i^n: Before: 560 After: 373
Herons: Before: 269 After: 234
Jezzball: Before: 3438 After: 2842

It seems to work a lot better for big BASIC files rather than for ASM files. At one point SC2k didn't even compress 1 byte.

The program is rather unstable as well. When I ran i^n, at the end of the program it screwed up and said "compressing", then displayed an 'N' at the top of my screen. After running Herons, it was apparent my ram was doomed to a reset.

It is a nice program, and with a few updates it should become a lot better. While the memory saved might not be persistant, it should save you some mem.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
zip86.txt   2684
zip86.86p   1646

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