The Next Dimension v1.5
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The Next Dimension v1.5
Grayscale Action, Sidescroller where you are a lost astronaut that needs to defeat aliens. Along your journeys you will encounter many enemies and will find a gun and grenades. Fight off the evil aliens and try to save mankind.
Matt Teiken (
TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size
102,981 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Dec 12 18:59:31 1999
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Doug Kay
Reviewed on
Attention span: 8/10 The game can get pretty addicitve Controls: 10/10 Easy and responsive Implementation: 9/10 Like Super Mario with a gun Overall: 9/10 A great game everybody should have
This game, as you probably know, is a side-scroller/shootem up. And not a bad one at that. You control a little guy with a gun (when you find it). There are two worlds which you can play that come with the original zip file. I have not yet beaten any of the worlds, but I do know that they each have a certain number of levels. You don't start out with a gun in the beginning of the game, so it is a bit hard to maneuver your way past enemies. In fact, until you get a gun, it is reminiscent of Penguins for the TI-83, for all you old-schoolers out there.
There are a multitude of different enemies, each with different sorts of attacks. Laws of physics do not apply considerably seeing as how you can change directions in mid-air. However, this is helpful when you cannot see whats on the other side of a pit, allowing you to jump halfway across and then turn around to land in your original position. Each individual level within a world has a time limit indicated by how much oxygen is left in your tank. When the line depicting your oxygen dwindles down to zero, you die. It is not to difficult to make it under the time limit in most levels though, especially since most levels have a pick-up that makes your oxygen boost to 100% again. There are also other pick-ups like a gun, coins, bullets, and one other I am not too sure about (the readme file is very poor in quality). Every time you get 100 coins, you get an additional life (you start out with four).
The levels themselves are quite impressive, featuring many different types of terrains, including water in which you can swim. The side-scrolling is very smooth and hardly blurs when you are moving like most other sidescrollers do. I dont know about the rest of you, but games like Super Mario Quest always make my eyes hurt because they had trouble focusing on the blurry motion. This does not happen in TND.
The graphics are pretty decent. Everything is done in gray-scale and is pretty well detailed. The little guy you control is, I think (again, bad readme file), an astronaut of some sort. He can be seen carrying his gun even when he does not have it yet(?).
This game is very well programmed and in itself does not need too much improvement. However, the level editor is quite bad. This may be just my error, but I could not get it to do anything. The instructions in the readme file were not too thorough either. Other than that, this is one of those great games that should be on everybodys calculators. |
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Archive Contents
Tnd.89z | 32003 |
tnd185.lvl | 2221 |
TNDedit.exe | 73728 |
string89.exe | 45568 |
HUFFMAN.EXE | 15600 |
edit.bmp | 4662 |
huff.bat | 70 |
ex.bmp | 308278 |
length.txt | 15 |
readme.txt | 7669 |
WORLD4.89S | 4306 |