Blockdude 82 v1.1
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Blockdude 82 v1.1
A puzzle/action game in which you move blocks to navigate to the end of the level.
Brandon Sterner (
TI-82 Assembly Games (CrASH)
File Size
12,448 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Jan 29 05:24:42 2000
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Sam Heald
Reviewed on
Attention span: 6/10 It's good for a once play-through. Controls: 4/10 DOWN = BAD. Implementation: 6/10 Good puzzles, annoying at times. Overall: 6/10 Simple game, difficult puzzles.
Another puzzle game by TCPA, I summise to say that BlockDude ranks second in Brandon Sterner's trio of games (Tetris Attack being number 1). The object is simple: Pick up and drop blocks, to maneuver yourself to the exit. The puzzles are difficult, but at times almost tedious. To solve the puzzle, you need to do litterally dozens of moves, and if you make one mistake, you have to start anew.
Unfortunately, mistakes are very easy to make considering the game's poor controls and difficult puzzles. The game uses only the arrow keys, which is a serious hinderance on the thumb and mind. 2nd to pick up or drop a block would have been much preferable than down, which can accidentally be hit when you're try to going left, right, or down the screen. After the 3rd or 4th time through a level, you just want to turn the calculator off.
My only other gripe is with the game's graphics. By utilizing the Tetris Attack graphical menu system and including a help file and intro demo, a precedent is set that physical appearance is preferable to size (certainly, the help text, demo, and menu systems added over 1000 bytes). Unfortunately, the gameplay looks very bland for a side scrolling game. "BlockDude" should be animated with smooth scrolling if it wants to appear as a high-end game (On the 82 anything over 3.5K is by large, so it must be really good to warrent keeping it on a calculator.
The puzzles are good, so play it through once. After that, find something else. |
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Archive Contents
bm82.asm | 31033 |
BM82.82P | 4096 |
bd.txt | 847 |