Tetris Attack v1.0
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Tetris Attack v1.0
Just like Tetris Attack on the gameboy. This has nothing to do with tetris!
Brandon Sterner (bsterner@yahoo.com)
TI-83 Assembly Games (Ion)
File Size
10,233 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon Oct 4 01:32:16 1999
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Review by
Nature Leseul
Reviewed on
Attention span: 8/10 Needs a level editor Controls: 7/10 Selector moves a bit fast Implementation: 8/10 Well-made Overall: 8/10 There's no solution, you $#% game!!
Why in the world this game even recieves the name "Tetris," I have no idea. "Tetris" is a word derived from Greek tetra, meaning "four." This is obviously well-chosen for the original Tetris games, in which all the falling shapes were made up of four connected blocks, and also the fact that to "score a Tetris" involved completing four lines with a single block. However, in Tetris Attack, the number four has no visible presence whatsoever. All the blocks are single and do not fall, the "block selector" can only switch two blocks, and the object of the game is to join sets of at least three. Still, this is a clone of a Game Boy game, so the blame for the poor name choice falls on Nintendo, and not on the author of this 83 port.
All naming semantics aside, this game is well worth a look. It is fairly standard for a puzzler game; as mentioned above, the object of the game is to switch horizontal pairs of blocks around and attempt to line up three blocks of the same type. In one similarity to the original Tetris, the big points come when you manage to line up more than three blocks, or to complete another set of three with the blocks displaced when the first set disappears.
There are two modes of play (a puzzler convention): an "action" mode and a "puzzle" mode. The action mode involves layer upon layer of block scrolling from the left of the screen, threateningly to slam violently into the opposite edge of the screen unless your fingers and brain can move fast enough to reduce the size of the stack. A single high score setting with initials is saved on this mode. The puzzle mode is somewhat more complex; you are given a specific pattern of blocks loaded from the preset levels, and must find a way to eliminate all the blocks within a set number of moves. It begins almost laughably easy, but it very quickly reaches the level where you're ready to throw you calculator against the nearest wall. (Although it is somehow more interesting than listening to yet another "Don't do drugs, they're bad" speaker at a school assembly...) You can save your progress in the puzzle mode by writing down a simple three-character password.
There are a couple of minor problems. The selector tends to move a bit too quickly, meaning that you sometimes have to hit the arrows a couple times before you get the right two blocks highlighted (which can be fatal in action mode). Also, a level editor would really be a nice addition.
Overall, an enjoyable addictive game. Now, if only I had three moves instead of two on this bleepin' level... |
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Archive Contents
attack83.txt | 2564 |
attack83.8xp | 6034 |
attack83.83p | 6032 |