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Nemesis v0.94 Beta


Ranked as 1055 on our all-time top downloads list with 16332 downloads.

Filename nemesis.zip (Download)
Title Nemesis v0.94 Beta
Description A cool shoot-em-up game.
Author Shiar (shiar@shiar.org)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 9,946 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Oct 12 00:13:33 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Joe Stegner
Reviewed on 2004-11-21
Attention span: 8/10 Fun game, addicting.
Controls: 10/10 I don't have much trouble.
Implementation: 9/10 Need more options on screen.
Overall: 9/10 It's fun.

The description says it all: "A cool shoot-em-up game."

Nemesis is a game that plays like the game of the same name does on the MSX. If you can't remember that far, also try to think of Gradius or Parodius.

In Nemesis, you're trying to (apparently) save someone from something. What these are have yet to been specified, as the author has "skimmed" on the story for now, leaving us with only the note that it takes place in the year 6716, the next message being "storyline coming soon..." (these messages being done in a cool text-effect by the way, making it seem like the words are being drawn by an ultrafine laser not on the screen).

To save whatever from whoever, you start out with one laser. As you kill stuff, you'll notice things left behind. The more you wait to upgrade, the better your upgrade (usually). You'll have to read the readme file and play the game to figure what I'm talking about if you haven't played Gradius or Nemesis before.

The fun thing about the game is that you're just mindlessly firing at enemies. While the enemies aren't that smart, following a pattern set to them (until later levels), they'll still eat your shields down enough for other enemies.

There's just something addicting about space shoot-em ups (read: Phoenix for the 89/92(+)). This game is quite a nice game, if given a chance, that is.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
NEMESIS.86P   4529
NEMESISB.86P   4531

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