Naval v1.0 Beta
Ranked as 2946 on our all-time top downloads list with 9138 downloads.
Review by
Erich Oelschlegel
Reviewed on
Attention span: 6/10 Gets boring after a few times. Controls: 9/10 The best for what it's worth. Implementation: 3/10 Program is too large. Overall: 6/10 Leave it on the server.
Naval is a Battleship-type game that's one-sided. Basically, the computer tries to hide its ships on a square grid, and you try to guess where all the ships are. Unless I missed something while trying to read French, the computer doesn't fight back against you. If you hit a ship, you must sink it by hitting the other sections of it as well. The messages that appear on the screen if you hit or miss are all in French, but anyone with any common sense can tell when it's a hit or miss.
One of the drawbacks to the game is the insanely large size. It's also entirely in black and white, with no grayscale colors, and the sprites on the screen are pretty low-key. For the size alone, this game is not worth having on your calculator. The features included in the game do not make up for the loss in memory space. |
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