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Star Wars Othello 89 v1.0


Ranked as 2527 on our all-time top downloads list with 9876 downloads.

Filename swoth.zip (Download)
Title Star Wars Othello 89 v1.0
Description An Othello game in which you can play against eight Star Wars characters or against a 'neutral' opponent or another human player.
Author Mads Brevik (madsbr@idt.ntnu.no)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 38,674 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Aug 26 03:31:02 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Erich Oelschlegel
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 10/10 Very addicting.
Controls: 9/10 Use 2nd as a select key instead.
Implementation: 9/10 Great AI, but could be smaller.

Star Wars Othello is, as the title states, Star Wars Othello. Compared to the traditional game of Othello, it is exactly the same. You are one color tile, the computer is the other. You each take turns placing tiles down on the 10x10 board in attempt to trap each other's tiles between yours, changing their face color to yours. The player at the end with the most tiles at the end is the winner. The game also provides you with every available move possible. SW Othello is different in that the computer takes the role of a Star Wars character. It's a creative effort, but the result in the game is that the computer is strikingly human. The game mimics human behavior when playing games, such as pauses for periods of thinking, and so forth. What this does is take the game to a new level in gaming. I never beat the AI in ten games, and I play it all the time regularly. However, the AI takes up a huge amount of memory. That's the game's only downfall, with a minor key switch necessary from Enter to 2nd to select. But overall, it's great game.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
file_id.txt   146
readme.txt   16156
screen1.gif   5842
screen2.gif   4915
SWOTH89.89Z   21439
SWOTH89.9XZ   21439

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