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TI-89/92+ ROM Patcher v1.05


Ranked as 1024 on our all-time top downloads list with 16635 downloads.
Ranked as 2353 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename rompatch.zip (Download)
Title TI-89/92+ ROM Patcher v1.05
Description A utility for patching TI-89/92+ programs so they will run under the v1.05 ROM.
Author David Hart (davey3000@calccity.freeserve.co.uk)
Category Windows Utilities
File Size 168,638 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Aug 2 04:10:56 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Miles Raymond
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Suitability: 8/10 Does what it's supposed to
Ease-Of-Use: 9/10 2 buttons... piece of cake!
Overall: 8/10 Simple, Small, Efficient

This is a Windows95/8/NT program that makes most TI-89/92+ programs compatible with version 1.05 of the TI-OS. Simply put, it fixes the key addresses in the programs so that the program won't appear 'frozen' when you run it. Goto his web site to learn more about why this must be done.

The program is called ROMPatch1_05.exe on your computer, and when you run it, you will be greeted with only two buttons in a small window. Since these buttons are standard WindowsUI, it is easy to figure out how to make the program convert your .89z or .9xz files for ROM v1.05. The interface is simple, and therefore also lacking in extra features.

One addition that might make this a more useful utility would be Integrating with the Windows interface so that you can right-click on a .89z or .9xz file and choose 'Patch' to patch the program. Overall, this is a great program for those who waited to play their games on their upgraded calcs.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ROMPatch1_05.exe   303616
readme.txt   2741
Userlib.89z   2323
Userlib.9xz   2323
util.89z   2125
util.9xz   2125

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