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Hex Viewer .96


Ranked as 11950 on our all-time top downloads list with 4232 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename hexview.zip (Download)
Title Hex Viewer .96
Description Program allows you to look at variables, RAM pages, and ROM pages. Variable size graphic display, black and white and 4 color grayscale. Able to search through variables for a string of bytes.
Author John Kempen (saywhat97@hotmail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 21,468 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Feb 8 01:28:57 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Donald Straney
Reviewed on 2004-01-28
This program is perfect for anyone that likes poking at the internal workings of their calculator. HexView allows you to view the contents of any RAM page, any ROM page, or any variable, showing the character equivalent of each byte as well as the hexadecimal value. You can even switch to a graphic mode for viewing pictures or sprites, search memory for a certain string, or use decimal representations. The only features which I think it needs are a disassembler, and the ability to edit memory, but it has so many features any ways that it doesn't really matter!

The controls for the advanced features like graphic mode and string searches are hard to remember, but if you have enough memory on your calculator, an on-calc help file is included which can easily be accessed from any section of HexView. The basic controls (for moving forwards and backwards in memory, or to the end or beginning of a file) are easy to remember and use, however.

You probably won't have much use for this program if you just play games or write BASIC programs on your calculator, but otherwise, this is the best memory viewer program around and is definitely worth a download.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
HexView.asm   68755
HexView.txt   5657
HexView.86G   11546

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