Super Mario 86 v0.95
Ranked as 78 on our all-time top downloads list with 89383 downloads. Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads. Ranked as 348 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.06.
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Super Mario 86 v0.95
Features include fireballs, going down pipes, bowser, smooth scrolling, fast grayscale gameplay, and more! An on-calc level editor is also available.
Ben Mickle (
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
12,112 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Dec 11 18:38:06 1999
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Joe Stegner
Reviewed on
Attention span: 9/10's MARIO! (+level editor) Controls: 8/10 Better but jumping is still awkward Implementation: 9/10 Nearly identical to NES version Overall: 9/10 Friends will beg you to play it.
Ah, the Mario saga continues with yet another version of that classic, Super Mario 86 .95. You'd think Nintendo would've sued by now...oh well, on with the review:
This one is a great improvement on the older version. It is probably the best 86 version of Mario right now. Features like fireballs, going down pipes, and some nice controls give this game a nice edge. There are a few downsides, though.
he grayscale adds a nice touch to the game (I like the 8-level grayscale picture at the beginning), but at times it slows the game down. When there's more than one thing moving on the screen, you'll sometimes notice the scrolling move slower. The jumping has gotten a lot better but it still seems a little awkward for me.
The game still isn't finished, so I can understand there not being star men for invincibility or extra life mushrooms. It does, however, have most of the basics of the original Super Mario Bros., so not much is to be missed. The level editor adds quite a nice touch to the game, but it requires a lot of memory to make a level it seems (I had 12001 bytes and it said "error memory" when I tried to create a level). Still, it's better than playing the same levels over and over like in the older version. My favorite thing to do with the level editor is to make a level made up of a huge pit and let my friends play it so they die. :P
This will probably be a keeper on your calculator. |
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