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Kill Bill!


Ranked as 1139 on our all-time top downloads list with 15626 downloads.
Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename killbill.zip (Download)
Title Kill Bill!
Description A shooting game
Author Adrien Bernard (GefunS@I-france.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 10,383 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jun 26 04:52:02 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Matt Peresie
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 4/10 Game gets very boring
Controls: 9/10 As good as they could be
Implementation: 6/10 Bad concept for a game
Overall: 5/10 Only worth a couple plays

As you may have guessed, the object of the game Kill Bill is to kill Bill Gates. This game would be classified as a side scrolling shooter. The head of Bill Gates appears from the left side of the screen and scrolls across towards the right while you try to shot him.

The whole point of Kill Bill is not very good but I feel the game could have been done better. First of all the heads just go in a straight line. If they maybe went in 4 directions it might make the game a little harder and a little better at the same time. The game has a couple plusses. It has different speed levels so you can control how fast the head moves across the screen. Aside from the fact that sometimes the bullet remains on the screen after you shoot the game is pretty error free.

Overall I think this game is a little poor. The concept of the game is accomplished but I think the game is a little pointless. After you play it a couple times it gets rather easy. This might be a game you want to check out for a little bit of time but it is not worth any memory space.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
killbill.89z   5671
killbill_fr.txt   1340
killbill_eg.txt   1093
killbill.asm   20798

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