Diamonds v2.0
Ranked as 954 on our all-time top downloads list with 17408 downloads. Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads. Ranked as 136 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.52.
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Diamonds v2.0
An arkanoid game where you control the ball. Features grayscale graphics, external levels, and a level editor is available as well.
Jonah Cohen (
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
14,986 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Feb 26 04:31:12 2000
Documentation Included?
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Review by
Ryan Sheppard
Reviewed on
Attention span: 9/10 You must like puzzle, otherwise 10. Controls: 10/10 They are placed well, respond fast. Implementation: 9/10 Still want some action... Overall: 10/10 Grayscale, Great gameplay, small!!!
Diamonds v2.0 is a game where you are a ball that bounces up and down and up and down. You get to use left and right to steer it. Your objective is to take away every block. When you start you kill white blocks; if you have a half black/pattern you will take that pattern away if it is hit. There are key, lock, and other kinds of blocks in certain levels. You then try to pass the level by getting the blocks you can hit only once all other hit. Then you go to next level and you try to get a high score, which is very addictive (I have played 1.2 for hours and hours at school, and now that it has a save feature so i can pause my game, do some math, and come back.. I am gonna play it even more).
Now I am going to go over the awesome features new to version 2.0. First things first, grayscale! The grayscale runs fast and looks better than some games grayscale. It also runs pretty fast and for some reason it seems to be smoother than 1.2... The title screen was somewhat changed (looks cool) and and the effect where the screen splits runs a bit slower, which allows you to see how cool it really is. It now has a save game feature so you can pause your game to go do math or whatever... It is also ONLY 3.2K! (not including levels or editor)
It also includes a on-calculator level editor which is optional. The editor is set up well and makes it easy to create your own levels and see if your friends can beat your score at it. This is everything I can think of that this kind of game could be and the whole game works great.
I love this game but it needs some action, although I ranked it high because it is just a very addictive strategy game and it has amazing grayscale that runs smooth and fast. |
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Archive Contents
diamonds.86p | 3280 |
diamonds.asm | 37372 |
diamonds.txt | 3401 |
dlevels.86s | 982 |