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ANGELO 3D v4.0 Battle Arena


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Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename angelo3d.zip (Download)
Title ANGELO 3D v4.0 Battle Arena
Description A CookySoft production. The best doom-like ever done on a TI 89, with different weapons, different very clever monsters, all that in a 3D maze. More over this great game can be played by 2 PLAYERS LINK. New graphics in this version!!
Author MR (michelrozp@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (First-person Shooters)
File Size 23,708 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 13 21:55:40 2000
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Devin Bayer
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 5/10 Gets dull fast (slow in this case).
Controls: 3/10 Poorly configuared; not responsive.
Implementation: 7/10 Good 3D+title scr, missing variety.
Overall: 5/10 Slow, repetitive, hard to navigate.

Angelo 3D v2.3 is a doom like game for the TI-89. Being written in BASIC, it isn't fast at all, but at least it is playable. There were a few bugs and the readme was unclear in spots. Gameplay is good (if you don't mind the wait), but gets kinda repetitive after awhile. Angelo is an experienced BASIC programmer and originally wrote this program for a Casio. You can archive the program and all the pictures. It takes advantage of many of the TI-89's features like dialog boxes and custom menus; even shows the ammo left in the menu.

It's doom-like, so you know the game point is to kill monsters. You have to know that you gain 50 HP (life points) at the end of every world and there are 5 world in the game. More over, the score is calculated with your HP, your rapidity, and the world you defeated. Finally, there are 4 monsters in the game who want to kill you. There are only 5 worlds, but they are difficult (common monsters have more HP then you, even at the beginning) and this game will provide you with many hours of gameplay. There is only one weapon, a laser; you can fire either one or two shots, but there is a max ammo load of 9 shots. There is a map and radar on the left of the screen; which are both very difficult to understand. Maybe you don't move where you are supposed to. I don't know. Also there is your health and floor level (you can go up and down).

The graphics are commendable. The walls (all flat) are not textured, but this makes the view clear. The monsters have much more detail, especially close up. There are energy sources, which you use to reload your laser and advance levels, that just look like garbled blobs. The intro screen is done in BASIC grayscale, and I can almost tell what it is of; looks really cool, though.

Speed is a problem. Every time you move, the entire screen is redrawn, and this takes about 5 seconds depending on what you're looking at. The game is playable, though, because the levels are not the same size as in doom. Loading takes awhile, besides the initial compile.

You can save your game.

This game could use moving enemies, more variety, and a way to see enemies that are more than 2 spaces away. The map needs work so that it is constant (walls shouldn't appear, move, and disappear like they do in this version.) Having more than one weapon would be nice. It is way too hard. The enemies take forever to defeat, and at the same time they are firing at you. Also, there are no Med.-kits or anything. Because the screen loads so slowly there should be an option to move more than one space at a time. There is no point in having radar and a map when they both show basically the same thing.

I think that the best part about Doom-like games is the aiming. There is no aiming in this game. You hit every time. How boring!

Well, I do have a problem with the controls. You would think it would be standard Shoot-em-up, but no. Left/Right strafe (sidestep). You need to use 2nd-left/right to turn. With the 5-second delay, they really is no response to report on.

Bugs and Typos:
This program is not bug-free, but most of the time it's fine. Don't pause the game because you will get an Error: test did not come out to true or false. This also happened to me when I entered an incorrect code to advance to the next level. There may be others. Whenever you die, it asks you to save the game and then exits. I don't know why; when you resume it you start out dead. In the readme, it says that you shouldn't run the program before you archive it, when it should have said, make sure you run the program before you compile it. If you did it the way the readme says you would need to wait for it to recompile every time you run it. There is also a screenshot included that shows what each thing on the screen means. It is in GIF or JPEG format, but has a .htm extension.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Le_89eme_element.url   81
readme.txt   8136
lisezmoi.txt   9160
angelo3d.89g   37864
screen_shot.gif   1113

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