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[2 levels] Asylum 1 and 2


Ranked as 23372 on our all-time top downloads list with 2570 downloads.

Filename asylum.zip (Download)
Title [2 levels] Asylum 1 and 2
Description They are in 2 strings. They're very difficult, but possible. All e-mail to author will have to be relayed.
Author Paul (sn11162@WWW.CEDARNET.ORG)
Category TI-86 Assembly Game Levels (Super Mario)
File Size 4,823 bytes
File Date and Time Thu May 27 03:15:33 1999
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Scott Potter
Reviewed on 2004-11-23
Asylum2: Return to the insanity!
Difficulty: 8/10
How long it took me to beat: 1-2 hours
Overall Score: A

“Asylum2: Return to the insanity” is one of the best “Mario” worlds of all time. My one complaint is that the ending was anticlimactic; however, despite this one misgiving, I would seriously recommend that you stop reading at start downloading immediately.


Asylum 2 has everything I look for in a “Mario” level:
Variety: Each level is very different from the previous level while still maintaining a fairly constant degree of difficulty. This sense of variety makes this world one of the most enjoyable levels I have ever played. While many levels depend on one kind of jump or a certain precise timing, “Asylum2” mixes both timing and precision, which increases both it sense of variety and originality.

Replayability: Some levels become much easier once you have learned the “trick” or after you have memorized a path. Not so with “Asylum2,” the difficulty does not decrease dramatically after you beat which allows a certain sense of satisfaction every time you play. This is because “Asylum2” doesn’t rely on cheap tricks or false paths. It is difficult because the enemies and obstacles are placed in just the right places to allow the player time to react, but also require him (or her) to act with precision.

Looks and Feel: Have you ever played that “Mario” level where you keep dying because the background was distracting? Have you ever felt that obstacles were placed that require luck, not skill? None of these can apply to “Asylum2.” Even the background adds to the feel that “Asylum2” is a complete world.

By this point many of you are probably wondering: Is this reviewer being paid to advertise for this level? No, I promise you, I haven’t. This is simply one of the best levels I have ever played in everyway I can imagine. Yes the level, does have its flaws: The last level is too easy compared to the rest, and sometimes the author does use a few too many enemies. However, “Asylum2” has far fewer of these flaws than just about any other level.

I would highly recommend this level to any moderate to expert player out there. Download it now; it’s for your own good.

Difficulty: ?
How long it took me to beat: ?
Overall Score: ?

You may be wondering why I chose to put “Asylum2” before “Asylum.” Mostly this is because I feel “Asylum2” is an amazing world, while I cannot say the same of “Asylum.” I will stand by the statement that the third level of “Asylum” is unbeatable. The goal at the end of the level is simply too low. It disappears off the screen (and never comes back) before you can get to it. I have spent a huge amount of time trying to be faster, but there is nothing I can do; even when I hold down ‘right’ I cannot make in time. Since I truly believe this level to be unbeatable, I have chosen not to give it a rating. The first two levels are quite excellent and third would be too, if it was beatable. Since these levels come as a set I would still download them, if only to get “Asylum2.”


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