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Final Fantasy VII: Cloud's Quest v1.4 (Modified)


Ranked as 194 on our all-time top downloads list with 45446 downloads.
Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 257 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.24.

Filename ff7.zip (Download)
Title Final Fantasy VII: Cloud's Quest v1.4 (Modified)
Description A Role Playing Game based on Final Fantasy VII.
Authors Ed Fry (fryedsoft@bluecrimson.com)
Hiryu Rhys (hiryu_rhys@hotmail.com)
Tip DS (tipds@geocities.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 37,089 bytes
File Date and Time Thu May 27 03:24:54 1999
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Kevin Ouellet
Reviewed on 2007-09-19
Graphics: 8/10 Good but there is not enough stuff on the overworld map.

Gameplay: 7/10 Good in general. The only problem is that you don't even know where you are going when walking due to the absence of sprites.

Storyline: 9/10 A sequel to FFVII?

Replay value: 8/10 Why not?

Overall: 8/10: There is better looking games, but this one is still a worthwile download if you liked FFVII.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
btleinfo.gif   2881
ff7.89g   58062
INSERT9.89P   1329
Readme.htm   11757

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