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Snakes v1.0


Ranked as 12036 on our all-time top downloads list with 4217 downloads.
Ranked as 19234 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename snakes.zip (Download)
Title Snakes v1.0
Description A snakes game where you have to dodge dots, walls and yourself.
Author Jeffrey Janssen (twilight@gmx.net)
Category TI-83 Assembly Games (SOS)
File Size 3,480 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 23 00:55:35 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Sam Heald
Reviewed on 2004-10-29
Controls: 7/10 Arrow keys only
Implementation: 5/10 The speed changer helps.
Overall: 3/10 Bad premise = Bad game

With so many better nibbles games availible for the 83, it is very hard to recommend this game to anyone. In fact, I would say there are even better BASIC nibbles games than this one. The premise has changed a bit. Instead of collecting dots, you are supposed to dodge them. The snake perpetually grows.

The game is a little better at slower speeds, but it still is rather boring. Without any replay value, the game's low size is still a waste of space.

There are plenty of other better games out there.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
snakes.z80   6538
Snakes.txt   716
SNAKES.83G   1503

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