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Bored Generation


Ranked as 3722 on our all-time top downloads list with 8131 downloads.
Ranked as 25623 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename bg.zip (Download)
Title Bored Generation
Description Jump Over Trash Cans With Your Skateboarder Dude. You Have Three Different "Tricks" You Can Do...
Author David Bowland (god-mail@juno.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Sports)
File Size 5,157 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jan 16 18:50:43 2000
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Alex M
Reviewed on 2005-02-27
If you played the "classical" “Bored Generation” for the TI-86 (ASM), then you know what to expect from this game. While both of these versions of “BG” (BASIC version and ASM version) have the same game objective as the original 86 game (whatever that objective might be), they both are inferior to their 86 counterpart. The ASM version looks worse than the 86 version - the little guy looks nothing like the cool gangster with the backwards hat that we all grew up to love ;) The BASIC version is withered with domain errors, so there really isn't any purpose in playing it. The BASIC version is also too slow to be playable. The "routines" used in the BASIC code are inefficient and full of “lbl” and “goto” statements. The author should use logical loops instead, since they do cause the program to run faster.

Overall, this earns a 2/10 score.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Readme.txt   2501
bg.89z   2185
Bgbasic.89p   1919
bgrey.89z   2751

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