Magic Quest II: Act 2
Ranked as 10763 on our all-time top downloads list with 4556 downloads. Ranked as 8993 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Greg Anderson
Reviewed on
Attention span: 6/10 Fun but too short and way too large Controls: 10/10 Good Interface. No problems. Implementation: 4/10 Takes up almost all mem. Errors Overall: 7/10 An improvement on Act 1
Magic Quest 2 Act 2 is a follow up to the original Act 1. The two games are similar in design, and the interfaces are almost identical. Act 2 however is in most cases better than Act 1. The second act employs many more graphics, extending them to pictures of people you converse with and to graphical depictions of all main areas you go to. The new version also includes more options for each location, especially the towns. Act 2 also includes (gasp) an actual story! You are pointed in different directions and have objectives to do, rather than wandering aimlessly.
Unfortunately, Act 2 has much of the same problems Act 1 had. Every once and awhile, the game will error and you will be forced to reload your game. Although this one has a story, you still generally move in the order that the locations are displayed. It's not like mixing them around would even be that difficult. While Act 1 forced you to endlessly prepare and level up to win, Act 2 is embarrassingly easy. Act 2 is also a very short game to complete for an RPG, taking about twenty minutes to beat. This is probably a good thing, however, since the program takes up close to the ENTIRE memory of the 86 (I guess ports to the 83/82 are out). Both Acts 1 and 2 might make better assembly games. Once you beat this game, you will quickly replace it with smaller programs. |
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Archive Contents
MQPICS.86G | 33915 |
MQPROG.86G | 60652 |
mq2a2.txt | 955 |