Ranked as 2048 on our all-time top downloads list with 11061 downloads.
Review by
Matt Peresie
Reviewed on
Attention span: 7/10 Sometimes it gets repetitive Controls: 8/10 Easy setup for the keys Implementation: 7/10 Nice game with no glaring errors Overall: 8/10 Definitely a good puzzle game
This is a remake of a classic game which I believe was called Pipeline. I feel that this is a very good game and has a lot to offer. Being a fan of puzzle games I find this game to have a good play value and it will always be on my calculator. Some people dislike puzzle games so they might not find this game to be very good.
Pipeline is setup very nicely in that it has different play modes so you have more than one way to play. First you can select your game type as either practice or expert. Practice is where you just put pipe down and liquid flows thru them until you run out of room or the liquid spills out. Expert is where you have to have the pipes connect from the start to ending points. Along with 2 games modes their are also 3 skill levels. As you increase the skill level the liquid will more faster. Pipeline also has a high score table so you can track your playing ability. I think Pipeline is an excellent game and it has a very good play value. Even if you don't like puzzle games you still might want to check this out because it is different from the typical puzzle game. |
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