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Phoenix 7.6 for TI-89 and TI-89 Titanium


Ranked as 38 on our all-time top downloads list with 138956 downloads.
Ranked as 23044 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 62 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.69.

Filename phx.zip (Download)
Title Phoenix 7.6 for TI-89 and TI-89 Titanium
Description Phoenix is an advanced shoot-em-up game for the TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92 Plus. This game has very smooth gameplay (31+ frames per second) with many objects onscreen. Its features include many different types of enemies, many different levels, the ability to buy additional items, eight possible weapons for your ship, game saving, a high score table, multiple difficulty levels, multiple ships the player can purchase, and multiple speeds. The game only takes about 16K of your memory. It is supplied with full source code. The program may be copied or modified without any restrictions. Don't forget to also check out Platinum Edition, an enhanced version of this game, and Mercury, the sequel.
Author Patrick Davidson (pad@ocf.berkeley.edu)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Shooters)
File Size 89,262 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Sep 23 08:05:35 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Pierre Lebeaupin
Reviewed on 2015-05-06
Ah, the legendary Phoenix. Undoubtedly the best-known, most-downloaded, most-shared TI-89 game of all time. Responsible for incalculable amounts of wasted time in math classes all over the world. If you have a TI-89, you owe it to yourself to download it, if only to know about it.

From a gameplay perspective, Phoenix is a 2D shooter with a money-based weapon buying system (you gather the money from destroyed enemies). It makes great use of the TI-89 graphical capabilities, even if it does not make use of grayscale mode (which would probably be lost in the motion blur anyway); it has great gameplay with varied enemies, and always provides a challenge, even if you've beaten it in the past, so it's a great game to keep with you should you find yourself needing to kill half an hour, you'll never find it boring and it may be a little too addicitive…

★★★★★ (5/5)

(reviewed on a TI-89 HW1 AMS 1.00)

See 4 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
build.bat   449
bullets.asm   4170
collide.asm   5500
display.asm   8183
ebullets.asm   5406
edestroy.asm   3430
endgame.asm   9148
enemies.asm   7512
enemies2.asm   22462
eshoot.asm   12741
freeship.asm   3441
init.asm   8467
internal.txt   29967
levels.asm   25590
lib.asm   8433
megaboss.asm   6705
phoenix.89z   15757
phoenix.i   6551
phoenix.txt   32113
player.asm   6488
savegame.asm   5395
shoot.asm   12535
shop.asm   12955
sides.asm   6622
sprites.asm   60499
test.asm   156
title.asm   11253
version.i   2325

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