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Cyberbox v1.0 and Level Editor v1.0


Ranked as 3098 on our all-time top downloads list with 8898 downloads.

Filename cyberbox.zip (Download)
Title Cyberbox v1.0 and Level Editor v1.0
Description A puzzle game
Author Alban Gervaise (GefunS@I-France.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 69,768 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Feb 3 04:17:29 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Jonah Cohen
Reviewed on 2004-11-21
Attention span: 8/10 Good for a puzzle.
Controls: 9/10 Nothing special.
Implementation: 9/10 An original puzzle game.
Overall: 8/10 Worth looking at for puzzle fans.

Cyberbox v1.0 by Alban Gervaise a.k.a. Endive is a puzzle game where you start out in a room. The objective is to get to the exit. There are many different types of blocks in the room, some mobile and some not. You must move them out of the way in order to make it to the exit. The game consists of many such rooms.

The only problem I found with this game was that, upon loading each room, Cyberbox lowers the contrast on the screen considerably. This isn't a tragedy by any means, but it is annoying.

This is a very unique type of puzzle game. The different types of boxes give this a variety that many puzzles lack. This is a very good puzzle game.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
cyberbox.89z   6243
CYBER.ASM   6425
cyberbox.asm   31818
box_pic.asm   3360
CyberBox_eg.txt   1644
CyberBox_fr.txt   3155
CYBERLVL.89S   1749
BLOCS.SCI   6286
source/BLOCS.SCI   6286
source/A320X200.TPU   5568
source/boxedit.fnt   521
source/LITTLEF.TPU   2416
source/PALETTE.TPU   3568
source/USCREEN.TPU   22352
source/BOXEDIT.PAS   13616
boxedit.fnt   521
CyberBox_editor_fr.txt   3311
CyberBox_editor_eg.txt   1937
cbe_pic.asm   2896
cboxedit.89z   10067
cboxedit.asm   56132

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