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The Trig Machine v2.5


Ranked as 8197 on our all-time top downloads list with 5393 downloads.
Ranked as 19234 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename trigmtry.zip (Download)
Title The Trig Machine v2.5
Author Kevin Selkowitz (kevinselkowitz@wa.freei.net)
Category TI-86 BASIC Math Programs (Trigonometry)
File Size 2,077 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Feb 2 07:30:26 1999
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Morgan Davies
Reviewed on 2004-03-27
This is a must have for both the SAT and ACT tests. I will attempt to fill in where the description left off. As stated this program is "THE ULTIMATE TRIANGLE SOLVER!" All you need to do is enter in any combination of three angles or sides and it will automatically fill in the rest of them for you. There is an exception. You cannot enter in three angles and expect to solve for the sides :-) Obviously you need some reference to go from!

An additional feature this program has is solving for both triangles. For example if you input an acute angle and two sides in an SSA form, then you could potentially have two different triangles. Well this program will show you both results. Not only that but it also will give you the area of the triangle too.

There are two different views to choose from to view the results: a GUI view, which is a visual view, and a list of all angles and sides along with their answers.

This program is definitely a 10. There is nothing I could think of that would make it better. It is a bit on the large size (almost 5k bytes) but it is worth it. Look forward to an ASM version with more features! :-)


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Archive Contents
Name Size
trigmtry.86p   4909
trigread.txt   290

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