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Tetris v5.1


Ranked as 211 on our all-time top downloads list with 43563 downloads.
Ranked as 3872 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename tetris.zip (Download)
Title Tetris v5.1
Description Tetris for the 83
Author Wyatt Buhr (wyaatt@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Puzzle/Blocks)
File Size 4,647 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jan 20 17:49:01 1999
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Benjamin Stauffer
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 4/10 Didn't last long on my calculator.
Controls: 8/10 Arrow keys, what you'd expect.
Implementation: 3/10 Slow, takes lots of memory.
Overall: 4/10 Other Tetris games are recommended.

Tetris, one of the most popular puzzle games in the world, can be found on almost any computer, console system, or decent programmable calculator you could name. There are a lot of choices out there if you happen to want Tetris on your calculator; Tetris 5.1 is one of them.

Tetris was written in Russia by Alexay Pajitnov. It's one of those really simple games that have become classics: no complicated plot, no 30+ hours of cinematics. All there is to it is just a bunch of pieces (each made up of four blocks), and a "well" that these pieces fall into. Your job is to arrange the pieces (by rotating them) so that they form horizontal lines. When you form a horizontal line across the well, it disappears, and all lines above it move down. The game is over when you fill the well to the top.

Tetris is written in TI-83 Basic. You can play Tetris in Normal mode or in "25 to 0" mode (which is the same as B-Type for those of you who have played Nintendo Tetris). As far as giving you a game of Tetris, it does okay.

If you want a good game of Tetris, however, this might not be the game for you. My main complaint is that the screen is only redrawn every time a piece moves down. So if you move a piece left or right, it isn't shown until the piece moves down a row. It's easier to tell where your piece is if you can see it move right when you move it. Another big complaint I have is that this game is SLOW. There are speed settings, but none is anywhere close to fast enough. Finally, I ran into a bunch of MEMORY errors. This program takes up 8500 bytes, but that's actually rather deceiving. It requires a bunch of free memory when running, so don't try to run it if you're pressed for memory.

If you have enough memory and enough patience, this game played well enough. I didn't find any other critical bugs in it. However, I recommend looking for a different Tetris game if you want Tetris on your 83.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Tetris.83p   8632
readme.txt   1624

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