Chmasc v0.91
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Chmasc v0.91
Chmasc is a program that will allow you to recover your memory after a crash or reset. This version contains support for ROM versions besides 1.2.
Kirk Meyer (
TI-86 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size
2,269 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Mar 12 20:20:18 2000
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Joe Stegner
Reviewed on
Suitability: 10/10 Who doesn't need a safety line? Ease-Of-Use: 9/10 Just remember the program given. Overall: 10/10 Archive-Smarchive.
Kirk seems to be keeping us TI-86'ers on our toes this month. Please join me in introducing the new Heavyweight Champion of my Favorite Programs (HCFP for short), Chmasc .91.
Archive-ShmArchive. This baby will RECOVER (R-E-C-O-V-E-R) the memory you lose on your 86 due to a memory-reset or the good ol' battery pull.
It takes advantage of the fact that, when your calculator resets, the memory isn't actually gone, just the pointers to the programs (?). At least that's what I remember reading from the Assembly-86 mailing list when I made a sprite routine that ended up displaying data on all the programs I had on my calculator three weeks ago.
Simple to use? If you got paper and pencil/pen/PDA. Simply remember the asm program it gives you after installing it (tape it to the back of your calc), and, whenever you get a reset, make a program using the code it gave you, then run it [using Asm(], and voila, your memory is intact!
This updated version is a long step from the earlier ones. The first one I remember trying made frogger into a BASIC program with DMS>DMS>DMS> all over the place. Then the one before this one didn't even run due to a direct rom call for 1.2 ROM calcs. This one, however, works just fine and dandy.
I naturally wanted to test this program out the first time I got it, so I put it on my calculator. Then I ran it, and pulled out a battery. After putting it back in and running the program the prog gives you, a feeling that almost resembled joy I think came over me as AShell, Baseball, Falldown, Herons Formula, i, and Chmasc reincarnated.
Two words: GET THIS. One more word: NOW! |
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