Frogger v1.0
Ranked as 444 on our all-time top downloads list with 28485 downloads. Ranked as 27407 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Review by
Jonah Cohen
Reviewed on
Attention span: 8/10 Good for a rainy day, or a boring math class. Controls: 9/10 Just arrow keys. Implementation: 8/10 A pretty good game of frogger. Overall: 8/10 An entertaining game that you'll play reasonably often.
Frogger v1.0, by Alban Gervaise a.k.a. Endive is a port of the popular arcade game which has existed on other calculators as well. You control several frogs, and the objective of the game is to safely cross the street with them and get through the logs on the river and into the forest. The frog also has to avoid the cars and trucks that are driving by, as well as to avoid falling into the river. The game also features a high score.
For frogger, this is a very good version. Utilizing the high-definition screen, this game has more "rows" than other versions. The graphics are of good quality, and the title screen is very attractive.
I did find one bug in this game, however. If you're on one of the logs and decide to run sideways, often you will travel right through the water and can go onto another log safely. This isn't too serious a bug, but it does lower the quality of the game.
This is a fairly entertaining game. You won't play it too often, though, and once you beat it playing time will lower even more. Give it a try, and delete it later if you feel like it. |
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