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XCommand v2.0


Ranked as 6966 on our all-time top downloads list with 5962 downloads.
Ranked as 3312 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename asapxcmd.zip (Download)
Title XCommand v2.0
Description XCommand installs 14 new commands to the TI-86 mainly for use in BASIC.These commands use the ASAP function to integrate right into the OS.
Author Keith Batten (kbatten@gmail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 10,849 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 23 01:02:06 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Nirmal Mankani
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Suitability: 8/10 Lots of commands.
Ease-Of-Use: 10/10 Very easy.
Overall: 9/10 A few bugs, otherwise it's great!

I was very excited when i first downloaded AsapXCmd 1.2b. I finally had a program that could give me some of the great functions of ASM while keeping the ease of programming in BASIC. Overall, AsapXCmd worked for me but had a few problems. For those of you who do not know, ASAP programs "create" more commands for programmers to program in BASIC.

The first thing that caught my attention was the Invert command. This feature could invert text and display it on the screen, which is very useful for GUI's that have a menu-based interface. AsapXCmd allows programmers to access the null character [Chr(0] and protect BASIC programs. In general, I liked most of the features of AsapXCmd. However, the sprite drawer (a sprite is a bitmapped image that can be drawn very quickly) did not seem to work, and on calculators with ROM versions lower than 1.4, the program seemed to corrupt the custom menu and needed a constant reinstall.

The programmer made XCmd very easy to use, and included a sample program that helped to explain everything. The programmer also included very thourough documentation that explained how all the commands worked and the current bugs.

In all, Kieth Batten did a good job of programming AsapXCmd, and although there are a few bugs, they will hopefully be fixed in the next version.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
asapXCmd.asm   16589
asapXCmd.txt   7154
iyflags.txt   4079
asapXCmd.86p   1635

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