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Dr Mario v1.0


Ranked as 462 on our all-time top downloads list with 27552 downloads.

Filename drmario.zip (Download)
Title Dr Mario v1.0
Description Dr Mario is a clone of the popular GB game. It s almost like Tetris, but the object is to destroy all viruses displayed on screen.
Author Ludvig Strigeus (luddes@usa.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 15,280 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jan 1 08:08:50 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Jonah Cohen
Reviewed on 2004-11-21
Attention span: 9/10 You could play for a long time.
Controls: 10/10 Nothing wrong with them.
Implementation: 10/10 Just like nintendo game.
Overall: 9/10 A fabulous game.

Dr Mario v1.0 by Ludvig Strigeus is a TI-89 port of the classic nintendo game. It features a highscore, animations, three different game speeds, and a calc-off key. The objective of the game is to destroy all the viruses on the screen by either vertically or horizontally stacking pills of the same color as the virus (white, gray, or black). Gameplay is similar to Tetris.

For an incredibly small game (4961 bytes!), this version of Dr. Mario is amazingly true to the original. The graphics are great, the little viruses are always moving, I could go on and on...

Everyone with a TI-89 must download this game. It is too great and too small to be left off anybody's calc.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
drm.asm   32568
drmcn.asm   16344
drm.89z   4779
drmario.txt   1463

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