Lander v1.0
Ranked as 1975 on our all-time top downloads list with 11260 downloads. Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Jonah Cohen
Reviewed on
Attention span: 7/10 Really depends on if this is your kind of game. Controls: 10/10 Exactly what they should be. Implementation: 10/10 Just like PC version. Overall: 8/10 A great game of lander.
Lander v1.0 by Clément Gervaise is a clone of the popular game available with Windows. The objective is to land the spaceship on the landing pad at a reasonably slow speed. The graphics are basically identical to the PC version, and the gameplay is very realistic. It also features optional wind, as well as 5 different speeds.
There isn't much to say about this game. The graphics are great, the gameplay is true to the original. Anyone who likes lander for the PC will not be disappointed. |
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